This is simple python script to gather the temperature of a refrigerator and tools for moniutoring and alerting
- A rolling winndow used for creating an average
- Supports the DS18B20 Temperature Sensor (or any temp sensor that W1ThermSensor supports)
- Displays current results to OLED display
- Contains monit and systemd config files
I built this on a Raspberry Pi Zero W using Raspberry Pi OS. I would assume any device that support the python libs, 1 Wire, and i2c protocol would work.
The OLED tutorial prety much tells you what you need to do. I also suggest adding the following to the /boot/config.txt
echo "dtoverlay=w1-gpio" >> /boot/config.txt
Raspberry Pi - Pinout Plug the data wire from the Temperature Sensor into GPIO4 (pin 7) Plug the Ground wire from the Temperature Sensor into GND (pin 9) Plug the VCC wire from the Temperature Sensor into 3.3v power (pin 17)
These are the only configuration vars and it default thats are supported
MAX_AGE = 300 #Rolling window
RESULTS_FILE = /run/user/1000/temp_results #Where to write the current result to
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