Helpers to make local storage easier to use and just like cookie, having expire time.
import localStore from '@hooshid/local-store'
— Add item to local storage.get
— Get item from local storageremove
— Remove item from local storage.clearAll
— Removes all or just Prefixed items from local storage.has
— Check item exist in local storage.getExpireTime
— Get item expire time.getRemainTime
— Get remaining TTL of a item.
Set an item in local storage.
set(key: string, value: string, ttl?: number | string): void
- The key of the item to set.value
- The value to set.ttl
- The time life in seconds format for living cache in localStorage.ttl
- The time life in default is one year, if you want set time life you should set in seconds or set like below format.
m for minute
h for hour
d for day
- 60m -> 60 minute
- 1h -> 1 hour (equal to 60m)
- 24h -> 24 hours (equal to 1d)
- 1d -> 1 day
- 30d -> 30 days
just use 1 above method and don't mixed (1d12h does not work -> 36h work fine!)
Get an item from local storage.
get(key: string): string | null
— The key of the item to get.
Remove item from local storage.
remove(key: string): void
— The key of the item to remove.
Removes all or just Prefixed items from local storage.
clearAll(prefix?: string): void
— if prefix provided, only keys start with prefix cleared and if prefix undefined all keys cleared.
Check key is exist
has(key: string): boolean
— The key of the item.
Get item expire time.
getExpireTime(key: string): null|number
— The key of the item.
Get remaining time of a item.
getRemainTime(key: string): null|number
— The key of the item.
- method for clear expired caches
- output js script and define types separately