this is a package for checking if input number is a valid iran cell phone number or not it can give you additional information about its operator and some other useful information like prepaid and postpaid
for now it consist of 3 main method for :
- verify if input number is real cell phone number
- determine just operator of cell phone number (if its a wrong phone number returns None)
- retun type of cell phone based on prepaid or postpaid and its operator
pip install iran-mobiles
first import module as :
from iran_mobile_va import mobile
if its valid ,the method returns True
otherwise returns False
it returns respective operator but if number is not valid it returns None
it returns a dictionary that has element of validation and operator of number like {'validation':'something','operator':'something'}
but if number is not valid it return {'validation' = 'False' , 'operator' = 'None'}