A simple LEMP stack for Vagrant with Debian 9.
- Install Vagrant and Virtualbox.
- Add a host name to /etc/hosts e.g. " stretchbox.dev".
- Add a host name to provision/nginx/site.conf e.g. "server_name stretchbox.dev".
- Run rm -Rf .git/ in the root directory.
- Run vagrant up in the root directory.
user => vagrant
host =>
port => 6464
host => stretchbox.dev
ip =>
host => localhost
user => root
pass => root
$ vagrant up [--provision] # start machine [with new settings]
$ vagrant reload [--provision] # reload machine [with new settings]
$ vagrant ssh # command line access
If vagrant complains about missing guest additions, try running these commands before attempting another provision.
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
$ vagrant vbguest
Default Debian box debian/boxes/stretch64
The official Vagrant documentation docs.vagrantup.com
Licensed under the MIT license (MIT).
Copyright © 2017 Adrian Solumsmo.