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Pasha Anpilogov edited this page Mar 8, 2022 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the cawcodile wiki! :)

Cawcodile is a bot-assistant with the beginnings of AI. The idea is to have a tool that can do the job just like a regular script, but without having to remember the exact commands to run the job.

The main user story is:

I want to write in the console "update code" or "get new code" and get the latest code from the predefined repositories.

Latest updates

2022.03.09 One file prototype is created. No architecture, no tests, many vulnerabilities (for example, a ZeroDivisionError is possible).

Future steps

  • Move bot configuration to the separate file.
  • Move model creation function to the separate file
  • Store already prepared model in a separate file.
  • Fix obvious vulnerabilities.
  • Write first test.


The first prototype was made on the basis of a five hours webinar "A chatbot with artificial intelligence written in Python (for beginners)" by the SkillBox platform.

Three parts of the webinar:

The webinar is similar to the How-to-draw-an-owl meme but is free and good to start with.



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