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This is a mock service for simulating temperature and humidity sensor boards programmed with
The service offers a very simple API which is specified in the swagger.yml file:
provides the current (imaginary) reading of the sensor.
Example response:
"deltaTime": 0,
"device": "dht22-03",
"dht22": {
"heatIndex": 25.59,
"humidity": 96.62,
"temperature": 25.05
"stale": 0
See home-IoT/esp-dht22 for details.
GET /config?ssid=<SSID>&password=<PASSWORD>
fakes configuration of the board with a new SSID and an optional password. See home-IoT/esp-dht22 for details.
The code is published under an MIT license.
Please report issues or feature requests using Github issues. Code contributions can be done using pull requests.