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Header Import

This repository is an attempt to benchmark header import in go-ethereum. Raw header import is typically performed during fast-sync or light-sync, where the headers are imported in batch, to be followed by the block data (transcations and receipts).

This is a bit non-trivial to benchmark. While it's trivial to write a benchmark test, the tests are somewhat hard to translate to 'real world' numbers.

  • Tests cannot easily both produce valid ethash PoW blocks, and support arbitrary long chains (b.N).
  • There's an inherent linear factor in writes, since more blocks means more IO and more leveldb compactions. Thus, larger b.N values causes skewed results.

The other way around, to do the testing in a 'production' setting, by simply syncing the chain and measuring the times is not perfect either:

  • It becomes dependent on network speeds,
  • And the quality of the peers at the time of the test,
  • And also, it becomes impacted by various other processes,
    • such as the ongoing state-sync,
    • and whether other peers are reqeuesting things from the node-under-tests


So this repository instead

  1. Opens an ancient folder (which contains valid headers)
  2. Instantiates a HeaderChain, without any networking or 'blockchainy' activity
  3. Feeds the blocks into the HeaderChain, in chunks
  4. Measures the ValidationTime and WriteTime separately,
  5. Produces a pretty chart.


1M blocks on master

Here is the first run, which is against go-ethereum master as of 15339cf1c9af2b1242c2574869fa7afca1096cdf (with one tiny modification on top to expose the leveldb FreezerTable).

The test imports ~1M headers.


Validation and write times are roughly on par, both rising somewhat linearly. About 50s is spent writing stuff to disk, and about 56s is spent validating headers. During header import, the PoW validity is checked in roughly 1 header out of 100.


It's a somewhat noisy graph, mainly the writes are causing the largest spikes. This is to be expected, since leveldb sometimes does compaction. What may be a bit surprising is that the validation graph also is pretty spiky.

1M blocks on #21471

The PR for the second run changes how headers are handled during import, particularly during the write portion. Whereas master writes each header individually, the PR instead writes them in batches. This plays better with IO, and also has beneficial side-effects since less reads are required to validate the 'ancestorage' of a header (since all batches of headers are in contiguous chunks).

(This run is made with the same tiny modification to expose FreezerTable.)


This is a substantial decrease in write-times, accumulating 24s (previously 50s). The validation times are untouched, at 56s.

Per-chunk: ![](images/times_21471_1M.png

The spikyness of the validation phase is now easier seen. The astute reader might notice that the spikes in the two stats are somewhat correlated, and may guess the reason. Even the validation is suffering from disk IO / leveldb spikes.

The ethash worker does this little check:

	if chain.GetHeader(headers[index].Hash(), headers[index].Number.Uint64()) != nil {
		return nil // known block

Which means, that if the header being imported is already present, it returns nil. This is an attempt to avoid processing already imported headers, and not have to do the expensive PoW verification when it's not needed.

However, this also means that the N header-workers (numcpu) will do a heavy amount of leveldb reads. What's worse, in the 'normal' case, this check will always fail, and since we don't have the header, it will not yield hits in the header-caches, but go all the way to leveldb (where it hopefully will only hit the leveldb bloom filters -- but still possibly cause disk lookups).

Let's remove that check.

1M blocks without header-shortcut (mod1)


The writes are un-affacted, as expected, but now we've gone down from 56s to 45s.


The spikes are still there, but now less pronounced.

There are a couple more optimizations we can do, primarily regarding hashing. A types.Header does not cache the hash after doing a Hash() operation, as opposed to a types.Block. Therefore, we should be careful about not needlessly hashing it.

Doing a Hash() is somewhat cpu-intensive, and it is also somewhat memory intense. A lot of allocations causes overhead; both for the actual allocation itself, and secondly for the golang garbage collector. In practice, if we can reduce the alloc-work for e.g. header import, it can improve things on a system-level, i.e for other processes running simultaneously.

The hashing is performed in two places. Within ethash itself:

func (ethash *Ethash) verifyHeaderWorker(chain consensus.ChainHeaderReader, headers []*types.Header, seals []bool, index int) error {
	var parent *types.Header
	if index == 0 {
		parent = chain.GetHeader(headers[0].ParentHash, headers[0].Number.Uint64()-1)
	} else if headers[index-1].Hash() == headers[index].ParentHash {
		parent = headers[index-1]

Here we check if the ParentHash matches the hash of the previous header, performed in the parallel verification.. And also in ValidateHeaderChain, where it is not parallelized.

func (hc *HeaderChain) ValidateHeaderChain(chain []*types.Header, checkFreq int) (int, error) {
	// Do a sanity check that the provided chain is actually ordered and linked
	for i := 1; i < len(chain); i++ {
		parentHash := chain[i-1].Hash()
		if chain[i].Number.Uint64() != chain[i-1].Number.Uint64()+1 || chain[i].ParentHash != parentHash {
			// Chain broke ancestry, log a message (programming error) and skip insertion
			log.Error("Non contiguous header insert", "number", chain[i].Number, "hash", chain[i].Hash(),
				"parent", chain[i].ParentHash, "prevnumber", chain[i-1].Number, "prevhash", parentHash)

			return 0, fmt.Errorf("non contiguous insert: item %d is #%d [%x…], item %d is #%d [%x…] (parent [%x…])", i-1, chain[i-1].Number,
				parentHash.Bytes()[:4], i, chain[i].Number, chain[i].Hash().Bytes()[:4], chain[i].ParentHash[:4])

Both of them are doing the same check. Interestingly, the same check is also done in the downloader, before it delivers the headers to the upper layers. For now, let's cancel the non-parallel check.

1M blocks with less hashing (mod2)


The validation dropped another second, from 45 to 44. Per-chunk:

Let's try to make it even faster.

1M blocks with less syncronization (mod3)

There's a check, after each header validated, whether the chain is exiting. This is performed via an atomic check. Atomics are useful, but they're not a lot faster than sync.Mutex, so they do carry an overhead. Now, when the chain is exiting, it doesn't quite matter if we stall for a few hundred milliseconds, as long as we're lot stalling for tens of seconds. So we can move that check to instead be performed after the parallel verifier completes.


The validation dropped from 44 to 40!


1M blocks without Now

When running a profiler, I saw that a lot of time was spent on time.Now(). Apparently the time.Now is a non-trivial operations, which returns a struct representing the time in nanoseconds, in both wall-clock format and monotonic clock format. This call was being made for every header, to check if it was too far off in the future ( go-ethereum allows a drift of up to, but not exceeding 15s).

Since all the verifications are done within one second, we can instead take the time once, for each chunk, and pass it to the parallel verifiers.


Validation is now at 38s, and writes at ~24s. I made one change to the charts, so it skips plotting out the very first point, to make the chart display nicer:



With these changes, we got down to a 62s for 1M headers, from 106s on master, and 80s on PR 21471.

1M blocks with faster difficulty calculator (mod5)

The final one, I hardly believe myself. But let's see some benchmarks first:

BenchmarkDifficultyCalculator/big-6             	 2638527	       383 ns/op	      80 B/op	       7 allocs/op
BenchmarkDifficultyCalculator/big-frontier-6         	 1767679	      1065 ns/op	     280 B/op	      12 allocs/op

Apparently the difficulty calculators are not very optimized; both slow and heavy on allocs.

If we re-write the difficulty calculators to be based on uint256:

BenchmarkDifficultyCalculator/u256-6   		     	 8936229	       135 ns/op	      64 B/op	       2 allocs/op
BenchmarkDifficultyCalculator/u256-frontier-6        	10010191	       163 ns/op	      64 B/op	       2 allocs/op

So apparently, the we can cut the average time by a third, and for the segment (0-1M blocks) we're experimenting with, we can take it down almost by an order of magnitude, from 1ms to 0.16ms. Which also relieves some GC-pressure. Let's try it:



With the last changeset, the total validation time goes down to 34s, and write-time to 20s. Which brings the total down from

  1. On master, 106s,
  2. On PR 21471 80s
  3. And finally, 54s!

Tantalizingly close to an even doubling in speed!


Benchmarking go-ethereum






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