Mastodon x Discord by @ryden#3621
For help join my Support Server
Like what I've done? Why not Support me on Patreon?
- Install the requirements using
npm i
or install them manutally by usingnpm i discord.js && npm i mastodon-api
- Create a bot on Discord's Developer Portal
- Switch to your Mastodon Instance and generate a Application under the Development Tab in the Settings
- Name your Application, fill everything out and save your
, andclient_key
somewhere - Rename
and replace the values with your your Information
"prefix": "-",
"dtoken": "AGIKNA56573thiS.isNOTE5MDcwNDc1.DpQR6w.Areal-TigCDZ_-sAsdTOKENKJJLWmDgUYCU",
"mtoken": "ef311e3bb4c92928f0b6ac5d24c3161d1c6f399779d7ca069d354da6616ea6fe",
"secret": "04f57a1d8c8a0bb8c1d7062743451e0575075880a2dc8437e6123564876c70ba",
"key": "0432db146022e8e606a7917f80b77a0228671e7bdccc696969f69ed6c969a619",
"apiURL": "",
"ID": "318044130796109825"
None of those are real.
Feel free to make a Pull request and fix some things, otherwise just open a Issue to let me know!
Please do not remove my Signature from the Code, other than that you can do with this whatever you want!~
Q: Will you make this work for twitter as well?
A: Due to Twitter's new API/Dev Stuff, no.
Q: Are CW's, Imageposting, NSFW-Marking going to happen?
A: Most likely, yes. Though I don't know when so please don't bug me about it.