Based on summernote's ImageDialog
- Include summernote project script
- Include Font Awesome
- Include the script tag below in your document
<script src=""></script>
['insert', ['file']],
callbacks: {
onFileUpload: function(files, text) {
var data = new FormData();
var that = this;
// Uploading just the first selected file for now
// @todo Multiple file upload example
data.append("file", files[0]);
$.ajax ({
data: data,
type: 'post',
url: '',
cache: false,
contentType: false,
processData: false,
success: function(response) {
* In this example the file uploader returned the filename
* and relative path to the file.
$(that).summernote('createLink', {
text: text || response.filename,
url: response.url,
newWindow: true
summernote-ext-filedialog may be freely distributed under the MIT license.