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Judicial UI Webapp

This is the Web Application to allow Judicial staff (Judges & Panel Members) to access and work on cases.

Cloning repo

git clone
cd rpa-jui-webapp/

Set Environmental Variables

export S2S_SECRET=

Run Local with quick reload for angular

To Run the Angular code

npm install
npm run start:ng

To Run the Node Code

npm install
npm run start:node
# or if you have nodemon
nodemon dev-server.js

Run Local like prod

yarn install
yarn build
yarn start

Run Local with docker

To Run the Angular code with docker

yarn start-dev-docker-proxy;

To Run the Node Code with docker

yarn start-dev-docker-node;

spin up docker


setup test idam users


setup test ccd data (note you need to find your own ccd def file)

./bin/ccd/ ~/Downloads/CCD_Definition.xlsx

Run test


 yarn test;
 open ./reports/lint/node/index.html;
 xdg-open ./reports/lint/node/index.html;
 open ./reports/lint/ng/index.html;
 xdg-open ./reports/lint/ng/index.html;

lint (ng Only)

 yarn test:ng;
 open ./reports/lint/ng/index.html;
 xdg-open ./reports/lint/ng/index.html;

lint (Node Only)

 yarn test:node;
 open ./reports/lint/node/index.html;
 xdg-open ./reports/lint/node/index.html;

Unit test

 yarn test;
 open ./reports/tests/unit/node/index.html;
 xdg-open ./reports/tests/unit/node/index.html;
 open ./reports/tests/unit/ng/index.html;
 xdg-open ./reports/tests/unit/ng/index.html;

Unit test (ng Only)

 yarn test:ng;
 open ./reports/tests/unit/ng/index.html;
 xdg-open ./reports/tests/unit/ng/index.html;

Unit test (Node Only)

 yarn test:node;
 open ./reports/tests/unit/node/index.html;
 xdg-open ./reports/tests/unit/node/index.html;

Unit test + coverage

 yarn test:coverage;
 open ./reports/tests/coverage/node/index.html;
 xdg-open ./reports/tests/coverage/node/index.html;
 open ./reports/tests/coverage/ng/index.html;
 xdg-open ./reports/tests/coverage/ng/index.html;

Unit test + coverage (ng Only)

 yarn test:coverage:ng;
 open ./reports/tests/coverage/ng/index.html;
 xdg-open ./reports/tests/coverage/ng/index.html;

Unit test + coverage (Node Only)

 yarn test:coverage:node;
 open ./reports/tests/coverage/node/index.html;
 xdg-open ./reports/tests/coverage/node/index.html;

Functional test

export TEST_EMAIL=;
yarn test:functional:local 
open ./reports/tests/functional/index.html;
xdg-open ./reports/tests/functional/index.html;

##Run Mock Server for CCD data for Development

Install JSON Server

npm install -g json-server

Set the environment variable :

Mac :

export JUI_ENV=mock;


set JUI_ENV=mock
echo %JUI_ENV%

Run the mock Server

yarn install
yarn start-json-server

This will run a mock server (json-server) on port 3004 and sets the JUI_ENV as mock.

Now, run the below in the terminal and then start running the api (node)

export JUI_ENV=mock; 
yarn build; 
yarn start

Note : Here is the git repo for json-server :

##Toggling Rotation Button Visibility

Import the rotation button service

import {RotationService} from 'hmcts-em-viewer-ui/viewers/annotation-pdf-viewer/rotation-toolbar/rotation.service';

declare it in the constructor

private rotationService: RotationService

and call the toggleRotation() function
