This application orchestrates a workflow based on the requested business requirement.
The project uses Gradle as a build tool but you don't have to install it locally since there is a
wrapper script.
To build project please execute the following command:
./gradlew build
To get the project to build in IntelliJ IDEA, you have to:
- Install the Lombok plugin: Preferences -> Plugins
- Enable Annotation Processing: Preferences -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Compiler -> Annotation Processors
Running the service locally requires several APIs in the AAT environment. You will need an active VPN, to have permission to read the nfdiv-aat vault and to be logged into azure CLI.
./gradlew bootRun
The application will start locally on http://localhost:4012
API documentation
API documentation is provided with Swagger:
- UI to interact with the API resources
Unit tests
To run all unit tests and local functional tests respectively please execute following command:
./gradlew test
Coding style tests
To run all checks (including unit tests) please execute following command:
./gradlew check
Mutation tests
To run all mutation tests execute the following command:
./gradlew pitest
Integration tests
To run all mocked integration tests locally:
./gradlew functional
E2E Integration tests
To run all E2E integration tests locally:
./gradlew bootRun
./gradlew nightlyFunctional
Faster PR builds
If you're making a very small change which does not require ExtendTests to run, you may put [FAST]
at the start of the pull request title to only run non-extended testes
If you have already created the PR without [FAST]
in the title, you can add it but need to make a code change for Jenkins to pick it up
You can also run non-extended test only locally by setting the CHANGE_TITLE
env variable to [FAST]
(i.e simulating a PR with a title starting with [FAST]
Enable schedule
Schedule service is disabled by default in local environment.
If you want to enable it, set the environment variable SCHEDULER_ENABLED
to true
or override application property scheduler.enabled
Handling database
Database will get initiated when you run docker-compose up
for the first time by execute all scripts from database directory.
You don't need to migrate database manually since migrations are executed every time the application bootstraps.
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
Standard API
We follow RESTful API standards.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.