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Health checker for various components of the ForgeRock system

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1. idam-health-checker

A Spring Boot application checking the health of various components of the ForgeRock system.

1.1. CI/CD

To trigger Travis CI to build and publish the idam-health-checker, tag a commit in Git.

1.2. Interface


1.3. Statuses


1.4. Logs

idam-health-checker runs via supervisord on ForgeRock Virtual Machines. The ini file can be found at /etc/supervisord.d/healthcheck.ini. Images created by Packer and Ansible will configure the health checker to use the live Spring Profile in addition to the other system specific profiles. This profile uses logback with only the Application Insights Appender, aiAppender. See src/main/resources/logback-spring.xml for more.

1.4.1. Console

To view console output it's advisable to set the log levels to DEBUG and the Spring Profile as insightconsole.

# Update /etc/supervisord.d/healthcheck.ini
sudo sed -i'.bak' \
    -e 's/WARN/DEBUG/g' \
    -e 's/,live/,insightconsole/' /etc/supervisord.d/healthcheck.ini

sudo systemctl restart supervisord

# Attach to process and parse logs
sudo strace -p$(pgrep -f supervisord) -s1000 -e write 2>&1 \
  | sed -ur 's/^.+\"(.+)\\n\".+$/\1/;s/\\n//g;s/\[?\\[0-9]{2}\[[0-9]?;?[[0-9]{2}m\]?//g'

# To restore the healthcheck.ini
sudo mv /etc/supervisord.d/healthcheck.ini /etc/supervisord.d/healthcheck.ini.debug
sudo mv /etc/supervisord.d/healthcheck.ini.bak /etc/supervisord.d/healthcheck.ini
sudo systemctl restart supervisord

1.4.2. Application Insights

Application Insights: idam-idam-${environment}

HealthProbe Names for customDimensions:

  • AmIsAliveHealthProbe
  • AmPasswordGrantHealthProbe
  • FileFreshnessProbe
  • ReplicationCommandProbe
  • IdmPingHealthProbe
  • LdapReplicationHealthProbe
  • UserStoreAuthenticationHealthProbe

Example for AM isAlive Health Probe.

| where cloud_RoleName contains "health" 
| where customDimensions contains "AmIsAliveHealthProbe" 

1.4.3. Details and Version

You can enable the details in the healthchecker with"ALWAYS".

Details can include information on why something is DOWN and the current healthchecker's version in its JSON output.

1.5. Secrets

External Infrastructure Dependencies

  • KeyVault secrets
    • openidm-username
      • used for idm ldap connectivity check
    • openidm-password
      • used for idm ldap connectivity check
    • test-owner-username
    • test-owner-password
    • web-admin-client-secret
    • adminUID
    • adminPassword
    • appinsights-instrumentationkey
  • Managed Identity

Secret Vault Support: Azure KeyVault

1.6. Scheduler

Status begins as UNKNOWN.
The refresh function is scheduled with checkInterval.
The initial probe is triggered.
When the probe result is true, the status will be set to UP.
When the probe result is false, the status will be set to DOWN.

Note: Status changes can be ignored by providing HealthProbeFailureHandling.IGNORE to the ScheduledHealthProbeIndicator initialisation. To change the status you must use HealthProbeFailureHandling.MARK_AS_DOWN.

1.6.1. Freshness & Probe Expiry

If the current probe status is UP or DOWN and current datetime is after the statusDateTime + freshnessInterval then the probe has expired.
The probe is automatically expired if the Status is UNKNOWN.
If the current probe status is UP and the probe has not expired, no action is taken.

Example Logs

ScheduledHealthProbeIndicator change of status and status ignored log messages.

2019-12-06 17:29:16,375 INFO  ProbeScheduler3 <PROBENAME ie. UserStoreAuthenticationHealthProbe>: Status changing from UNKNOWN to UP

2019-12-06 17:29:16,375 INFO  ProbeScheduler3 <PROBENAME>: Status changing from UP to DOWN

2019-12-06 17:29:16,375 INFO  ProbeScheduler3 <PROBENAME>: Status changing from DOWN to UP

2019-12-06 17:29:16,375 WARN  ProbeScheduler3 <PROBENAME>: DOWN state ignored

1.7. ForgeRock AM

A description of the health check probes for ForgeRock AM.

1.7.1. Is Alive Health Probe

Health check description of isAlive status for ForgeRock AM. This probe is enabled when the Spring Profile, am, is active.

External Service Dependencies

  • DS Userstore
  • DS Config/Tokenstore.
  • IDM

Probe Actions

  • Request isAlive.jsp.
  • Assert the response contains Server is ALIVE..

Probe Configuration

Spring Configuration Property: am.root & am.healthprobe.isAlive DOWN Event Triggers

  • Response does not contain Server is ALIVE..
  • Java exception.

Example Logs

{"LoggerName":"","ThreadName":"ProbeScheduler2","LoggingLevel":"ERROR","SourceType":"LOGBack","TimeStamp":"Wed, 11 Dec 2019 14:55:58 GMT","message":"AM IsAlive: response did not contain expected value"}

1.7.2. Password Grant Health Probe

Health check description of password grant probe for ForgeRock AM, which asserts that the password grant returns an access token. This probe is enabled when am is active however it will ignore status changes due to HealthProbeFailureHandling.IGNORE.

External Service Dependencies

  • DS Userstore
  • DS Config/Tokenstore.
  • IDM

External Configuration Dependencies

  • AgentProperties name and secret which can be found in Spring Properties web.admin.client.
  • DS Config/Tokenstore.
  • IDM

Probe Actions

  • WIP

Probe Configuration

Spring Configuration Property: am.root, am.healthprobe.passwordGrant & am.healthprobe.identity. DOWN Event Triggers

  • WIP

Example Logs


1.8. ForgeRock IDM

A description of the health check probes for ForgeRock IDM.

1.8.1. Ping Health Probe

Health check description of annonymous ping status for ForgeRock IDM. This probe is enabled when the Spring Profile, am, is active.

External Service Dependencies

  • DS Userstore
  • DS Config/Tokenstore.
  • IDM

Probe Actions

  • Request isAlive.jsp.
  • Assert the response contains Server is ALIVE..
  • Request /openidm/config/provisioner.openicf/ldap?_fields=enabled
  • Assert the response contains enabled: true assuring IDM is connected to LDAP

Probe Configuration

Spring Configuration Property: am.root & am.healthprobe.isAlive DOWN Event Triggers

  • Response does not contain Server is ALIVE..
  • Java exception.

Example Logs

{"LoggerName":"","ThreadName":"ProbeScheduler2","LoggingLevel":"ERROR","SourceType":"LOGBack","TimeStamp":"Wed, 11 Dec 2019 14:55:58 GMT","message":"AM IsAlive: response did not contain expected value"}

1.8.2. Password Grant Health Probe

Health check description of password grant probe for ForgeRock AM, which asserts that the password grant returns an access token. This probe is enabled when am is active however it will ignore status changes due to HealthProbeFailureHandling.IGNORE.

External Service Dependencies

  • DS Userstore
  • DS Config/Tokenstore.
  • IDM

External Configuration Dependencies

  • AgentProperties name and secret which can be found in Spring Properties web.admin.client.
  • DS Config/Tokenstore.
  • IDM

Probe Actions

  • WIP

Probe Configuration

Spring Configuration Property: am.root, am.healthprobe.passwordGrant & am.healthprobe.identity. DOWN Event Triggers

  • WIP

Example Logs


1.9. ForgeRock DS

A description of the health check probes for ForgeRock DS.

1.9.1. LDAP Replication Health Probe

Health check description for LDAP replication using LDAP attributes query for ForgeRock DS. This probe is enabled when userstore or tokenstore is active and single is inactive.

External Config Dependencies

  • cn=Directory Manager
  • cn=Replication,cn=monitor
  • KeyVault secrets

Probe Actions

Probe Configuration

Spring Configuration Property: ldap


LDAP Attribute Log Mapping Description
status status
pending-updates pending
missing-changes missing
approximate-delay delay
sent-updates sent
recieved-updates recieved
replayed-updates replayed

Record Types

Record Type Description
LOCAL_DS Record describes the local Directory Server
LOCAL_RS Record describes the local Replication Server
LOCAL_RS_CONN_DS Record describes the local Replication Server and connected Directory Server
REMOTE_CONN_RS Record describes the local Replication Server and connected Replication Server
REMOTE_CONN_RS_CONN_DS Record describes the local Replication Server, connected Replication Server and connected Directory Server
UNKNOWN Record does not match any of the above DOWN Event Triggers

  • Failed replay check
    • If the received-updates minus the replayed-updates is less than or equal to the missing updates threshold.
  • Missing changes
    • If the missing-changes are greater than the missing updates threshold.
  • Failed delay check
    • If the approximate-delay is less than or equal to the approximate delay threshold.

Example Logs


2019-12-09 14:08:26,443 INFO  ProbeScheduler3 Configuring with command /opt/opendj/bin/dsreplication status -X --adminUID %s --adminPassword %s --port 4444 -s -n and password value from properties


2019-12-09 14:08:26,539 INFO  ProbeScheduler2 LDAP Replication: LOCAL_DS okay, ds:forgerock-ds-userstore.service.core-compute-idam-perftest.internal:50096,status:Normal,pending:0,missing:-1,sent:31206,received:30015,replayed:30015,delay:-1


2019-12-09 14:08:26,540 INFO  ProbeScheduler2 LDAP Replication: LOCAL_RS okay, rs:forgerock-ds-userstore-idam-perftest000002.service.core-compute-idam-perftest.internal:8989,status:null,pending:-1,missing:4696949,sent:-1,received:-1,replayed:-1,delay:-1


2019-12-09 14:08:26,541 INFO  ProbeScheduler2 LDAP Replication: LOCAL_RS_CONN_DS okay, rs:forgerock-ds-userstore-idam-perftest000002.service.core-compute-idam-perftest.internal:8989,connected-ds:forgerock-ds-userstore.service.core-compute-idam-perftest.internal:50096,status:null,pending:-1,missing:0,sent:30015,received:31206,replayed:-1,delay:0


2019-12-09 14:08:26,542 INFO  ProbeScheduler2 LDAP Replication: REMOTE_CONN_RS okay, rs:forgerock-ds-userstore-idam-perftest000002.service.core-compute-idam-perftest.internal:8989,connected-rs:forgerock-ds-userstore-idam-perftest000001.service.core-compute-idam-perftest.internal:8989,status:null,pending:-1,missing:4696949,sent:31205,received:30012,replayed:-1,delay:-1


2019-12-09 14:08:26,544 INFO  ProbeScheduler2 LDAP Replication: REMOTE_CONN_RS_CONN_DS okay, rs:forgerock-ds-userstore-idam-perftest000002.service.core-compute-idam-perftest.internal:8989,connected-rs:forgerock-ds-userstore-idam-perftest000001.service.core-compute-idam-perftest.internal:8989,connected-ds:forgerock-ds-userstore.service.core-compute-idam-perftest.internal:33920,status:null,pending:-1,missing:0,sent:-1,received:-1,replayed:-1,delay:0

1.9.2. Replication Command Probe

Health check description for ForgeRock DS replication through the dsreplication command line tool. This probe is enabled when userstore, tokenstore or replication is active and single is inactive.

External Config Dependencies

  • KeyVault secrets
    • adminUID
    • adminPassword

ForgeRock 5.5 Example Command Response

Suffix DN                 : Server                                          : Entries : Replication enabled : DS ID : RS ID : RS Port (1) : M.C. (2) : A.O.M.C. (3) : Security (4)
dc=reform,dc=hmcts,dc=net : forgerock-ds-userstore-idam-perftest000001:4444 : 498270  : true                : 27069 : 13539 : 8989        : 0        :              : true
dc=reform,dc=hmcts,dc=net : forgerock-ds-userstore-idam-perftest000002:4444 : 498270  : true                : 10519 : 5416  : 8989        : 0        :              : true
dc=reform,dc=hmcts,dc=net : forgerock-ds-userstore-idam-perftest000004:4444 : 498270  : true                : 15309 : 16214 : 8989        : 0        :              : true

[1] The port used to communicate between the servers whose contents are being
[2] The number of changes that are still missing on this server (and that have
been applied to at least one of the other servers).
[3] Age of oldest missing change: the date on which the oldest change that has
not arrived on this server was generated.
[4] Whether the replication communication through the replication port is
encrypted or not.

ForgeRock 6.5 Example Command Response

Suffix DN                 : Server                                                                               : Entries : Replication enabled : DS ID : RS ID : RS Port (1) : Delay (ms) : Security (2)
dc=reform,dc=hmcts,dc=net : forgerock-ds-tokenstore-idam-saat000002.service.core-compute-idam-saat.internal:4444 : 827     : true                : 2615  : 21251 : 8989        : 0          : true
dc=reform,dc=hmcts,dc=net : forgerock-ds-tokenstore-idam-saat000004.service.core-compute-idam-saat.internal:4444 : 827     : true                : 10324 : 21828 : 8989        : 0          : true
dc=reform,dc=hmcts,dc=net : forgerock-ds-tokenstore-idam-saat000005.service.core-compute-idam-saat.internal:4444 : 827     : true                : 3056  : 6463  : 8989        : 0          : true

[1] The port used to communicate between the servers whose contents are being
[2] Whether the replication communication through the replication port is
encrypted or not.

Probe Actions

Probe Configuration

Spring Configuration Property Object: replication.healthprobe

Setting the Missing Updates Threshold

replication.healthprobe.command.missing-updates-threshold DOWN Event Triggers

Example Logs

Host Replication Info

2019-12-09 14:08:29,677 INFO  ProbeScheduler3 ReplicationCommand: Host replication info: ReplicationInfo(suffix=dc=reform,dc=hmcts,dc=net, hostName=forgerock-ds-userstore-idam-perftest000002.service.core-compute-idam-perftest.internal:4444, entries=498269, replicationEnabled=true, dsID=10519, rsId=5416, rsPort=8989, missingChanges=0, ageOfMissingChanges=null, securityEnabled=true)

Replicated Host ReplicationInfo

2019-12-09 14:08:29,679 INFO  ProbeScheduler3 ReplicationCommand: Replicated host: ReplicationInfo(suffix=dc=reform,dc=hmcts,dc=net, hostName=forgerock-ds-userstore-idam-perftest000001.service.core-compute-idam-perftest.internal:4444, entries=498266, replicationEnabled=true, dsID=27069, rsId=13539, rsPort=8989, missingChanges=0, ageOfMissingChanges=null, securityEnabled=true)

1.9.3. Userstore Authentication Health Probe

Health check description for ForgeRock DS User Store using LDAP queries. This probe is enabled when userstore is active.

External Config Dependencies

  • cn=Directory Manager
  • KeyVault
    • test-owner-username
    • test-owner-password

Probe Actions

Probe Configuration

Spring Property Configuration Object: userstore.healthprobe

Spring Profile ScheduledHealthProbeIndicator Configuration
single HealthProbeFailureHandling.IGNORE
userstore HealthProbeFailureHandling.MARK_AS_DOWN DOWN Event Triggers

  • Test User Does Not Exist
    • Confirm KeyVault secret test-owner-username.
  • Failed Authentication with Test User
    • Confirm KeyVault secret test-owner-password.
    • Update the password from IDM if required.

      Note: You may need to set the ds-userstore healthcheck profile to optimist,live to make the LDAP MODIFY successful.

  • Exceptions
    • Connection.
    • etc.

Example Logs

UserStoreAuthenticationHealthProbe was successful.

2019-12-09 11:30:25,926 INFO  ProbeScheduler3 UserStore Auth: success

UserStoreAuthenticationHealthProbe LDAP query for test-owner-username returned empty. The user does not exist.

2019-12-09 11:30:25,926 WARN  ProbeScheduler3 UserStore Auth: test user does not exist

UserStoreAuthenticationHealthProbe LDAP authentication failed for credentials test-owner-username & test-owner-password.

2019-12-06 17:29:16,375 ERROR ProbeScheduler3 UserStore Auth: authentication failed for filter (uid=idam@test.localhost)

UserStoreAuthenticationHealthProbe encountered a communication exception. Connection to LDAPS was refused.

2019-12-06 17:29:12,854 ERROR ProbeScheduler3 UserStore Auth: forgerock-ds-userstore.service.core-compute-idam-saat.internal:1639; nested exception is javax.naming.CommunicationException: forgerock-ds-userstore.service.core-compute-idam-saat.internal:1639 [Root exception is Connection refused (Connection refused)] [CommunicationException]

1.9.4. TokenStore Search Health Probe

Health check description for ForgeRock DS Token Store using LDAP queries. This probe is enabled when tokenstore is active.

External Config Dependencies

  • cn=schema providers,cn=config
  • KeyVault
    • test-owner-username
    • test-owner-password

Probe Actions

  • Query LDAP for any object in cn=schema providers,cn=config.

Probe Configuration

Spring Property Configuration Object: tokenstore.healthprobe

Spring Profile ScheduledHealthProbeIndicator Configuration
single HealthProbeFailureHandling.IGNORE
tokenstore HealthProbeFailureHandling.MARK_AS_DOWN DOWN Event Triggers

  • Empty Response for LDAP Search
  • Exception

Example Logs

2019-12-09 10:30:04,541 INFO  ProbeScheduler3 TokenStore Search: success

2019-12-09 10:30:04,541 ERROR  ProbeScheduler3 TokenStore Search: response is empty

1.9.5. WIP - ForgeRock DS Backup Probe

Health check description for ForgeRock DS backups. This probe is enabled when backup is active.

External Config Dependencies

Probe Actions

Probe Configuration DOWN Event Triggers

Example Logs