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FPL CCD Data Migration Tool

Basic overview

The basic premise of this tool is to be an implementaion of hmcts/ccd-case-migration-starter.

It works by accessing the ccd-data-store-api as the system user, grabbing and filtering all cases, and then migrating the filtered cases. To perform the migration there needs to be an event defined in the consuming case type that is defined with the ID migrateCase, this is defined here in the FPL repo. This event is then triggered by the CaseMigrationProcessor defined in the hmcts/ccd-case-migration-starter, and as it is a CCD event it can have the standard CCD hooks, i.e. about-to-start, about-to-submit, submitted. FPL makes use of the about-to-submit hook to then perform the main part of the migration.

More info

For more info on the tool and how to use it check out hmcts/ccd-case-migration-starter


To build the project run

./gradlew clean build

this will generate a jar in the build/libs directory which can then be used when running the migration.


To run the jar you will need to do the following

java -jar \"fpl-ccd-case-migration-tool" \
-Didam.api.url="" \"fpl_case_service" \
-Didam.client.secret="[VALUE IN VAULT]" \
-Didam.client.redirect_uri="https://fpl-case-service-aat.service.core-compute-aat.internal/oauth2/callback" \
-Dcore_case_data.api.url="http://ccd-data-store-api-aat.service.core-compute-aat.internal" \
-Didam.s2s-auth.url="http://rpe-service-auth-provider-aat.service.core-compute-aat.internal" \
-Didam.s2s-auth.microservice="fpl_case_service" \
-Didam.s2s-auth.totp_secret="[VALUE IN VAULT]" \
-Dmigration.idam.username="" \
-Dmigration.idam.password="[VALUE IN VAULT]" \
-Dmigration.jurisdiction="PUBLICLAW" \
-Dmigration.caseType="CARE_SUPERVISION_EPO" \
-Dlogging.level.root="ERROR" \"INFO" \
-Dfeign.client.config.default.connectTimeout="60000" \
-Dfeign.client.config.default.readTimeout="60000" \


  • idam.client.secret
  • idam.s2s-auth.totp_secret
  • migration.idam.password

can all be found in the fpl-case-service vault.

Note that the parameters given are using AAT environment as an example.

Extra env vars

case-migration.timeout=${CASE_MIGRATION_TIMEOUT:7200} # global timeout for the migration tool (seconds) default = 2 hours

case-migration.case_id_list.mapping=${CASE_ID_LIST_MAPPING:} # format DFPL-ID=>CASEID1|CASEID2|CASEID3;DFPL-ID2=>CASEID4
case-migration.use_case_id_mapping=${USE_CASE_ID_MAPPING:true} # whether to use the mapping or the ES query - if false make sure to have an ES query in DataMigrationServiceImpl
case-migration.retry_failures=${RETRY_FAILURES:false} # whether to retry failed cases

default.thread.delay=${DEFAULT_THREAD_DELAY:0} # whether to artificially slow down the tool by sleeping a thread after a successful migration (seconds) default = no delay

Common issues


When running the migration we are making the requests as the system user, as such if the user does not have permission to the fields that it needs to update then the ccd-data-store-api could return errors when validating the case data at the end of the migration. To ensure that this doesn't occur make sure that the system user has access to all fields being operated on in both the DataMigrationServiceImpl and the controller handling the callback.


With the deprecation of JCenter the dependencies

compile group: '', name: 'processor', version: '3.0.0'
compile group: '', name: 'domain', version: '3.0.0'

are not available to be downloaded, to ensure that you can build and run migrations you can clone the stater repo and compile the dependencies locally using

./gradlew clean build publishToMavenLocal