Specify the environment against which to test. The list of supported environments and their required configuration is in src/test/resources/application.conf
export ENVIRONMENT={enviroment_name}
export ENVIRONMENT=cnp
Depending on the specific environment, open required ssh tunnels (Idam, Bastion host...)
To run all the simulations:
gradle clean gatlingRun
To run a specific simulation
gradle clean gatlingRun-{simulation_class_name}
gradle clean gatlingRun-uk.gov.hmcts.ccd.simulation.CreateCasesSimulation
To create a fat jar with all dependencies
gradle clean jar
then set the environment and run the simulation with:
./launch.sh {path_to_fat_jar} {fully_qualified_simulation_name}
./launch.sh ./target uk.gov.hmcts.ccd.simulation.UserProfileSimulation
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
For more information on the gradle gatling plugin please visit https://github.com/lkishalmi/gradle-gatling-plugin