- Prerequisites
- Quick start
- Using CCD
- Idam Stub
- Running branches
- Enabling additional projects
- Under the hood
- Containers
- Local development
- Running on Apple Silicon
- Troubleshooting
- Migrate existing v9.6 PostgreSQL database to v11
- Variables
- Remarks
- License
Note: once docker is installed, increase the memory and CPU allocations (Docker -> Preferences -> Advanced) to the following minimum values for successful execution of ccd applications altogether:
Memory | CPU |
12+ GB | 6+ |
- Azure CLI - minimum version 2.0.57
- jq Json Processor
- Mac users, set your default shell to bash
chsh -s /bin/bash
The following documentation assumes that the current directory is ccd-docker
- Checkout
git clone git@github.com:hmcts/ccd-docker.git
- Login to the Azure Container registry:
./ccd login
if you experience any error with the above command, try az login
first for Azure Authentication for pulling latest docker images
- THIS STEP IS ONLY REQUIRED IF YOU NEED TO MIGRATE TO POSTGRES V11. Proceeded to step 4 if this is your first time setting up ccd-docker
- If ccd-docker has been previously setup, images/volumes and the database may point to Postgres9. Prior to pulling images run the below commands to delete existing images and volumes.
- Guide on migrating to V11
./ccd compose down
- Pull latest Docker images:
./ccd compose pull
- Set up environment:
Note: required only on the first run. Once executed, it doesn't need to be executed again
a. Create docker network
./ccd init
Ignore if we get error message ccd-network already exists while running above command
b. Export environment variables
CDM apps require a set of environment variables which can be set up by executing the following script.
Windows : ./bin/set-environment-variables.sh
Linux/Mac : source ./bin/set-environment-variables.sh
Note: some users of zsh 'Oh My Zsh' experienced issues. Try switching to bash
To persist the environment variables in Linux/Mac, copy the contents of env_variables_all.txt
file into ~/.bash_profile.
A prefix 'export' will be required for each environment variable.
Additionally, export these environment variables to disable ElasticSearch
export ES_ENABLED_DOCKER=false
- Creating and starting the containers:
./ccd compose up -d
The idam-api
container can be slow to start - both the definition-store-api
and data-store-api
containers will
try to connect to the idam-api
container when they start.
The following optional containers will not start successfully until idam-api
container has started.
- 'hearings'
If idam-api
is not up and running and accepting connections
you may see errors in the definition-store-api
and data-store-api
containers, such as
Caused by: org.springframework.web.client.ResourceAccessException:
I/O error on GET request for "http://idam-api:5000/o/.well-known/openid-configuration": Connection refused (Connection refused);
nested exception is java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused (Connection refused)
If the containers fail to start with these error, ensure idam-api
is running using
curl http://localhost:5000/health
ensuring the response is
Then restart any dependent containers by bringing up again (compose will automatically bring up just the ones which ones have failed)
./ccd compose up -d
Usage and commands available:
Once the containers are running, CCD's frontend can be accessed at http://localhost:3451.
However, some more steps are required to correctly configure SIDAM and CCD before it can be used:
All scripts require the following environment variables to be set
export IDAM_ADMIN_USER=<value of Username>
export IDAM_ADMIN_PASSWORD=<value of Password>
with the corresponding values from the confluence page at https://tools.hmcts.net/confluence/x/eQP3P
At this point most users can run the following 4 scripts
Create CCD users and roles
a. Clone ccd-definition-store-api
if not already checked out git clone git@github.com:hmcts/ccd-definition-store-api.git
and navigate to the ccd-definition-store-api
b. Run smoke tests to set up user and roles.
export TEST_URL=http://localhost:4451
./gradlew clean smoke
The smoke tests creates a file /aat/befta_recent_executions_info.json
, delete this file after running the tests.
Move on to the Ready for take-off section.
A more in depth explanation of the scripts is detailed below
An oauth2 client should be configured for ccd-gateway application, on SIDAM Web Admin.
A script is provided that sets up the CCD Gateway client. Execute the following:
You may verify the service has been added by logging in to the SIDAM Web Admin with the URL and logic credentials here:
Navigate to
Home > Manage Services
Optionally - to add any further IDAM service clients you can update the
to add a new entry and re-run the script (any entries in this file that already exist are skipped)
- SELF_REGISTRATION - a boolean parameter, defaults to a value of "false" if omitted
- SCOPE - a space delimited string parameter, defaults to a value of "openid profile roles" if omitted
Instead of running the above scripts you can add the services manually using the SIDAM Web UI
You need to login to the SIDAM Web Admin with the URL and logic credentials here: https://tools.hmcts.net/confluence/x/eQP3P
Navigate to
Home > Manage Services > Add a new Service
On the Add Service screen the following fields are required:
label : <any>
description : <any>
client_id : ccd_gateway
client_secret : ccd_gateway_secret
new redirect_uri (click 'Add URI' before saving) : http://localhost:3451/oauth2redirect
Follow below steps to configure XUI Webapp on SIDAM Web Admin
On the Add Service screen the following fields are required:
label : <xui_webapp>
description : <xui_webapp>
client_id : xui_webapp
client_secret : xui_webapp_secrect
new redirect_uri (click 'Add URI' before saving) : http://localhost:3455/oauth2/callback
client scope: profile openid roles manage-user create-user
Execute the following script to add roles to SIDAM:
The script parses bin/users.json
and loops through a list of unique roles, passing the role to the idam-add-role.sh
To add any further IDAM roles, for example "myNewIdamRole", run the script as follows
./bin/utils/idam-add-role.sh "myNewIdamRole"
The script adds roles under a GLOBAL namespace and so until the users assigned to these roles are added, you cannot verify them using SIDAM Web UI
Any roles should be configured for ccd-gateway client/service, on SIDAM Web Admin.
You need to login to the SIDAM Web Admin with the URL and logic credentials here: https://tools.hmcts.net/confluence/x/eQP3P
Navigate to Home > Manage Roles > Select Your Service > Role Label
Don't worry about the Assignable roles section when adding roles
Once the roles are defined under the client/service, go to the service configuration for the service you created in
Step 1 (Home > Manage Services > select your service
) and select ccd-import
role radio option under
Private Beta Role section
Any business-related roles like caseworker
etc to be used in CCD later must also be defined under the client configuration at this stage.
Execute the following script to add roles to CCD:
The script parses bin/ccd-roles.json
and loops through a list of roles and their security classifications, passing the values to the ccd-add-role.sh
By default most FTA (Feature test automation) packs load their own roles into CCD via the definition store each time the feature tests are run
To add a further role to CCD (by importing it into the definition store), run the following script
supplying the following parameters
- role: Name of the role. Must be an existing IDAM role.
- classification: Classification granted to the role; one of `PUBLIC`,
For example, to add the caseworker
role (that must exist in SIDAM) to CCD, use
./bin/ccd-add-role.sh caseworker PUBLIC
A script is provided that sets up some initial users and roles for running functional tests. Execute the following:
This script will add the users with associated roles as defined in
This script runs the checks below, for each user defined in the users.json
check roles
if roles are the same
do nothing
delete user
create user with same id
Therefore to
- add a new user - add a new entry to the
- modify an existing user - modify
to add/remove a role
Alternatively, add a user to SIDAM by using the script
./bin/idam-create-caseworker.sh ROLE EMAIL_ADDRESS LAST_NAME FIRST_NAME
LAST_NAME if omitted defaults to TesterLastName
FIRST_NAME if omitted defaults to TesterFirstname
Password for each user created by the script defaults to Pa55word11
You may verify the service has been added by logging in to the SIDAM Web Admin with the URL and logic credentials here:
Navigate to
Home > Manage Users
and search for users by email address.
A script is provided that sets up some initial role assignments for users. Execute the following:
This script will add role assignments for the associated users as defined in
This script runs the checks below, for each user defined in the am-role-assignments.json
if overrideAll flag is true
delete any existing role assignments for the user
do nothing
create all user's assignments
Note that currently the role assignments are created in the role assignment database directly due to restrictions in the rules engine of the Role Assignment Service APIs.
The am-role-assignments.json
can be modified to add further role assignments to users.
CCD Data Store FTA tests will automatically import the CCD case definitions using the befta-fw
test framework.
Case definitions can be imported using CCD's dedicated UI
Case definitions can also be imported manually via the command line, using the following script
./bin/ccd-import-definition.sh <path_to_definition>
: Path to.xlsx
file containing the case definition.
Note: For CCD to work, the definition must contain the caseworker's email address.
If the import fails with an error of the form:
Validation errors occurred importing the spreadsheet.
- Invalid IdamRole 'caseworker-cmc-loa1' in AuthorisationCaseField tab, case type 'MoneyClaimCase', case field 'submitterId', crud 'CRUD'
Then the indicated role, here caseworker-cmc-loa1
, must be added to CCD (See 2. Create Idam roles).
Back to http://localhost:3451, you can now log in with any of the email addresses defined when adding users in 3. Create Users.
All user passwords default to : Pa55word11
If you see only a grey screen after entering your user credentials in the login page, you may need to set profile settings in ccd_user_profile database by adding a single line for the user in the below tables:
1- user_profile
2- user_profile_jurisdiction
It's possible to disable the Idam containers and run CCD with an Idam Stub provided by ccd-test-stubs-service. This is useful as a back up plan for when docker Idam is broken or when you local machine is running low on memory and you don't want to spin up the whole Idam containers
make sure 'sidam', 'sidam-local', 'sidam-local-ccd' docker compose files are not enabled. How you do that depends on your currently active compose files. When no active compose files are present, the default ones are executed. But if there's any active, then the defautl ones are ignored. For example:
./ccd enable show
Currently active compose files:
Default compose files:
In this case sidam is currently explicitly enabled. To disable it:
./ccd disable sidam sidam-local sidam-local-ccd
If you are instead running with the default compose file as in:
./ccd enable show
Default compose files:
You must explicitly enable only CCD compose files but exclude sidam:
./ccd enable backend frontend
./ccd enable show
Currently active compose files:
Default compose files:
in the '.env' file, uncomment:
To allow definition imports to work ('ccd-import-definition.sh') you need to:
export IDAM_STUB_LOCALHOST=http://localhost:5555
IDAM Stub comes with a predefined IDAM user.
To permanently customise the stub user info such as its roles follow the instructions in 'backend.yml' -> ccd-test-stubs-service
To modify the user info at runtime, see https://github.com/hmcts/ccd-test-stubs-service#idam-stub
Enable ccd-test-stubs-service dependency on ccd-data-store-api and ccd-definition-store-api in 'backend.yml' file.
Uncomment the below lines in 'backend.yml' file
# ccd-test-stubs-service:
# condition: service_started
Comment the below lines in 'backend.yml' file
condition: service_started
./ccd enable sidam sidam-local sidam-local-ccd
or just revert to the default:
./ccd enable default
in the '.env' file, make sure the following env vars are commented:
then from the command line:
Disable ccd-test-stubs-service dependency on ccd-data-store-api and ccd-definition-store-api in 'backend.yml' file.
Comment the below lines in 'backend.yml' file
# ccd-test-stubs-service:
# condition: service_started
Uncomment the below lines in 'backend.yml' file
condition: service_started
#assuming no containers running and Idam is enabled
#start with Idam
./ccd compose up -d
#services started
./ccd compose stop
#enable Idam Stub follwing the steps in 'Enable Idam Stub'
#start with Idam Stub
./ccd compose up -d
#services started
you also can issue a 'down' when Idam Stub is enabled without risking of losing Idam data, since it's disabled
./ccd compose down
enable Idam follwing the steps in 'Revert to Idam'
#start with Idam. This will now create new CCD containers and reuse the old Idam ones
./ccd compose up -d
By default, all CCD containers are running with the latest
tag, built from the master
Using the set
command, branches can be changed per project. It's possible to switch to remote branches but also to local branches
To switch to a remote branch the command is:
./ccd set <project> <remote_branch>
the service name as declared in the compose file, e.g. ccd-data-store-api, ccd-test-stubs-service<remote_branch>
must be an existing remote branch for the selected project.
To switch to a local branch the command is:
./ccd set <project> <local_branch> <file://local_repository_path>
the service name as declared in the compose file, e.g. ccd-data-store-api, ccd-test-stubs-service<local_branch>
must be an existing local branch for the selected project.<file://local_repository_path>
path to the root of the local project repository
Note: when working with local branches, to be able to run any new set of local changes those must first be committed and the switch to a local branch
and Apply
procedure repeated.
Branches for a project can be listed using:
./ccd branches <project>
When switching to a branch, a Docker image is built locally and the Docker compose configuration is updated.
However, to make that configuration effective, the Docker containers must be updated using:
./ccd compose up -d
When a project has been switched to a branch, it can be reverted to master
in 2 ways:
./ccd set <project> master
./ccd unset <project> [<projects...>]
The only difference is that unset
allows for multiple projects to be reset to master
In both cases, like with the set
command, for the reset to be effective it requires the containers to be updated:
./ccd compose up -d
To know which branches are currently used, the status
command can be used:
./ccd status
The 2nd part of the output indicates the current branches. The output can either be of the form:
No overrides, all using master
when no branches are used; or:
Current overrides: ccd-admin-web branch:RDM-2414 hash:ced648d
when branches are in use.
ℹ️ In addition to the status
command, the current status is also displayed for every compose
By default, ccd-docker
runs the most commonly used backend and frontend projects required by CCD:
- Back-end:
- sidam-api: Strategic identity and access control
- service-auth-provider-api: Service-to-service security layer
- ccd-user-profile-api: Users/jurisdictions association and usage preferences
- ccd-definition-store-api: CCD's dynamic case definition repository
- ccd-data-store-api: CCD's cases repository
- ccd-test-stubs-service: CCD's testing support for stubbing http calls (service callbacks etc)
- am-role-assignment-service: Users' role assignments for access management
- cft-hearing-service: Hearing Service API
- Front-end:
- idam-web-public: SIDAM's login UI
- ccd-api-gateway: Proxy with SIDAM and S2S integration
Optional compose files will allow other projects to be enabled on demand using the enable
and disable
Note on Running Optional Projects
If this is the first time running these optional projects from ccd docker you will need to do ./ccd compose pull
after you have enable the optional project
Also if a certain database has not been created you might need to create a new ccd shared database image. To do this you need to do this:
- Run
/ccd compose down -v
- Then find the id of any ccd shared database using
docker images | grep ccd-shared-database
- Using the ids from previous command use
docker image rm <id>
- Then run
./ccd compose up -d
Optional Project Commands
To enable document-management-store-app
./ccd enable backend frontend dm-store
- run docker-compose
./ccd compose up -d
- create Blob Store in Azurite
To enable ExUI rather then the CCD UI
./ccd enable xui-frontend
- export XUI_LAUNCH_DARKLY_CLIENT_ID to value mentioned in xui web app preview template yaml file.
- run docker-compose
./ccd compose up -d
- access ExUI at
To enable ElasticSearch
- NOTE: we recommend at lest 16GB of memory for Docker when enabling elasticsearch
./ccd enable elasticsearch
is already enabled, otherwise enable it)- export ES_ENABLED_DOCKER=true
- verify that Data Store is able to connect to elasticsearch:
curl localhost:4452/health
To enable Logstash
./ccd enable logstash
is already enabled, otherwise enable it)- Note that the config for Logstash is contained within the logstash directory
To enable ccd-definition-designer-api
./ccd enable backend ccd-definition-designer-api
- run docker-compose
./ccd compose up -d
- verify that ccd-definition-designer-api is up and running by
curl localhost:4544/health
To enable ccd-message-publisher
- NOTE: By default the CCD Message Publisher will use an embedded ActiveMQ instance. See ccd-message-publisher for more information.
./ccd enable backend message-publisher
- Run docker-compose
./ccd compose up -d
- Verify that ccd-message-publisher is up and running by
curl localhost:4456/health
To enable ccd-case-disposer
./ccd enable backend case-disposer
- Run docker-compose
./ccd compose up -d
To enable ccd-next-hearing-date-updater
./ccd enable backend ccd-next-hearing-date-updater
- Run docker-compose
./ccd compose up -d
To enable ccd-case-document-am-api
./ccd enable backend frontend dm-store case-document-am
- run docker-compose
./ccd compose up -d
- verify that ccd-case-document-am-api is up and running by
curl localhost:4455/health
To enable ts-translation-service
./ccd enable backend ts-translation-service
- run docker-compose
./ccd compose up -d
- verify that ts-translation-service is up and running by
curl localhost:4650/health
To enable cft-hearing-service
./ccd enable backend hearings
- run docker-compose
./ccd compose up -d
- verify that cft-hearing-service is up and running by
curl localhost:4651/health
- this will include the inbound and outbound adapters
To enable hmc-operational-reports-runner
./ccd enable backend operational
- run docker-compose
./ccd compose up -d
- verify that hmc-operational-reports-runner is up and running by
curl localhost:4651/health
When switching to a branch with the set
command, the following actions take place:
- The given branch is cloned in the temporary
folder - If required, the project is built
- A docker image is built
- The Docker image is tagged as
hmcts/<project>:<branch>-<git hash>
- An entry is added to file
exporting an environment variable<PROJECT>_TAG
with a value<branch>-<git hash>
matching the Docker image tag
The .tags.env
file is sourced whenever the ccd compose
command is used and allows to override the Docker images version used in the Docker compose files.
Hence, to make that change effective, the containers must be updated using ./ccd compose up
When switching a project to master
branch, the branch override is removed using the unset
command detailed below.
Given a list of 1 or more projects, for each project:
- If
contains an entry for the project, the entry is removed
Similarly to when branches are set, for a change to .tags.env
to be applied, the containers must be updated using ./ccd compose up
Retrieve from .tags.env
the branches and compose files currently enabled and display them.
./ccd compose [<docker-compose command> [options]]
The compose command acts as a wrapper around docker-compose
and accept all commands and options supported by it.
ℹ️ For the complete documentation of Docker Compose CLI, see Compose command-line reference.
Here are some useful commands:
./ccd compose up [-d]
This command:
- Create missing containers
- Recreate outdated containers (= apply configuration changes)
- Start all enabled containers
The -d
(detached) option start the containers in the background.
./ccd compose down [-v] [project]
This stops and destroys all composed containers.
If provided, the -v
option will also clean the volumes.
Destroyed containers cannot be restarted. New containers will need to be built using the up
./ccd compose ps [<project>]
Gives the current state of all or specified composed projects.
./ccd compose logs [-f] [<project>]
Displays the logs for all or specified composed projects.
The -f
(follow) option allows to follow the tail of the logs.
./ccd compose start [<project>]
./ccd compose stop [<project>]
Start or stop all or specified composed containers. Stopped containers can be restarted with the start
command should be used to that end.
./ccd compose pull [project]
Fetch the latest version of an image from its source. For the new version to be used, the associated container must be re-created using the up
OAuth 2 clients must be explicitly declared in service sidam-api
with their ID and secret.
A client is defined as an environment variable complying to the pattern:
must then also be provided to the container used by the client service.
ℹ️ To prevent duplication, the client secret should be defined in the .env
file and then used in the compose files using string interpolation "${<VARIABLE_NAME>}"
Micro-services names and secret keys must be registered as part of service-auth-provider-api
configuration by adding environment variables like:
must then also be provided to the container running the micro-service.
ℹ️ To prevent duplication, the client secret should be defined in the .env
file and then used in the compose files using string interpolation "${<VARIABLE_NAME>}"
To use UK address lookup feature an API key for https://postcodeinfo.service.justice.gov.uk is required. When API key is available it needs to be set on host side under ADDRESS_LOOKUP_TOKEN
variable name.
Store holding the case type definitions, which are a case's states, events and schema as well as its display configuration for rendering in CCD's UI.
Store where the versioned instances of cases are recorded.
Display preferences for the CCD users.
Service to facilitate testing of external http calls using wiremock. It returns canned responses for requests matching the predefined criteria. Currently used for:
- exposing a set of default callbacks that can be invoked for testing purposes
- Idam Stub
Secured API Gateway integrating with IDAM
The provided Docker compose files can be used to get up and running for local development.
However, while working, it is more convenient to run a project directly on the localhost rather than having to rebuild a docker image and a container. This means mixing a locally-run project, the one being worked on, with projects running in Docker containers.
Given their unique configuration and dependencies, the way to achieve this varies slightly from one project to the other.
Here's the overall approach:
As is, the containers are configured to use one another. Thus, the first step to replace a container by a locally running instance is to update all references to this container in the compose files.
For instances, to use a local data store, references in ccd-api-gateway
service (file compose/frontend.yml
) must be changed from:
PROXY_AGGREGATED: http://ccd-data-store-api:4452
PROXY_DATA: http://ccd-data-store-api:4452
to, for Mac OS:
PROXY_AGGREGATED: http://docker.for.mac.localhost:4452
PROXY_DATA: http://docker.for.mac.localhost:4452
or to, for Windows:
PROXY_AGGREGATED: http://docker.for.win.localhost:4452
PROXY_DATA: http://docker.for.win.localhost:4452
The docker.for.mac.localhost
and docker.for.win.localhost
hostnames point to the host computer (your localhost running Docker).
For other systems, the host IP address could be used.
Once the compose files have been updated, the new configuration can be applied by running:
./ccd compose up -d
The local project properties must be reviewed to use the containers and comply to their configuration.
Mainly, this means:
- Database: pointing to the locally exposed port for the associated DB. This port used to be 5000 but has been changed to 5050 after SIDAM integration, which came to use 5000 for sidam-api application.
- SIDAM: pointing to the locally exposed port for SIDAM
- S2S:
- pointing to the locally exposed port for
⚠️ using the right key, as defined inservice-auth-provider-api
- pointing to the locally exposed port for
- URLs: all URLs should be updated to point to the corresponding locally exposed port
ERROR: Get <docker_image_url>: unauthorized: authentication required
If you see this above authentication issue while pulling images, please follow below commands,
Install Azure-CLI locally,
brew update && brew install azure-cli
and to update a Azure-CLI locally,
brew update azure-cli
then, login to MS Azure,
az login
and finally, Login to the Azure Container registry:
./ccd login
On windows platform, we are installing the Azure CLI using executable .msi file. If "az login" command throws an error like "Access Denied", please follow these steps. We will need to install the az cli using Python PIP.
- If Microsoft Azure CLI is already installed, uninstall it from control panel.
- Setup the Python(version 2.x/3.x) on windows machine. PIP is bundled with Python.
- Execute the command "pip install azure-cli" using command line. It takes about 20 minutes to install the azure cli.
- Verify the installation using the command az --version.
Rosetta is now Generally Available for all users on macOS 13 or later. It provides faster emulation of Intel-based images on Apple Silicon (M1 & M2...). To use Rosetta, see Settings. Rosetta is enabled by default on macOS 14.1 and later.
if having trouble emulating x86 images try installing rosetta via the terminal using
softwareupdate --install-rosetta
and enabling the following settings in docker desktop (version 4.16.1 or greater) under
Settings > General > Use Virtualization framework
Settings > General > Use Rosetta for x86_64/amd64 emulation on Apple Silicon
ccd-network could not be found error:
- if you get "CCD: ERROR: Network ccd-network declared as external, but could not be found. Please create the network manually using docker network create ccd-network"
./ccd init
CCD UI not loading:
- it might take few minutes for all the services to startup
wait few minutes and then retry accessing CCD UI
- sometimes happens that some of the back-ends (data store, definition store, user profile) cannot startup because the database liquibase lock is stuck.
check on the back-end log if there's the following exception: 'liquibase.exception.LockException: Could not acquire change log lock' Execute the following command on the database: UPDATE DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK SET LOCKED=FALSE, LOCKGRANTED=null, LOCKEDBY=null where ID=1;
- it's possible that some of the services cannot start or crash because of lack of availabel memory. This especially when starting Idam and or ElasticSearch
give more memory to Docker. Configurable under Preferences -> Advanced
DM Store issues:
- "uk.gov.hmcts.dm.exception.AppConfigurationException: Cloub Blob Container does not exist"
Here are the important variables exposed in the compose files:
Variable | Description |
IDAM_KEY_CCD_DATA_STORE | IDAM service-to-service secret key for ccd_data micro-service (CCD Data store), as registered in service-auth-provider-api |
IDAM_KEY_CCD_GATEWAY | IDAM service-to-service secret key for ccd_gw micro-service (CCD API Gateway), as registered in service-auth-provider-api |
IDAM_KEY_CCD_DEFINITION_STORE | IDAM service-to-service secret key for ccd_definition micro-service (CCD Definition store), as registered in service-auth-provider-api |
IDAM_KEY_CCD_ADMIN | IDAM service-to-service secret key for ccd_admin micro-service (CCD Admin Web), as registered in service-auth-provider-api |
DATA_STORE_S2S_AUTHORISED_SERVICES | List of micro-service names authorised to call this service, comma-separated, as registered in service-auth-provider-api |
DEFINITION_STORE_S2S_AUTHORISED_SERVICES | List of micro-services authorised to call this service, comma-separated, as registered in service-auth-provider-api |
USER_PROFILE_S2S_AUTHORISED_SERVICES | List of micro-services authorised to call this service, comma-separated, as registered in service-auth-provider-api |
DATA_STORE_TOKEN_SECRET | Secret for generation of internal event tokens |
APPINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY | Secret for Microsoft Insights logging, can be a dummy string in local |
STORAGEACCOUNT_PRIMARY_CONNECTION_STRING | (If dm-store is enabled) Secret for Azure Blob Storage. It is pointing to dockerized Azure Blob Storage emulator. |
STORAGE_CONTAINER_DOCUMENT_CONTAINER_NAME | (If dm-store is enabled) Container name for Azure Blob Storage |
AM_DB | Access Management database name |
AM_DB_USERNAME | Access Management database username |
AM_DB_PASSWORD | Access Management database password |
WIREMOCK_SERVER_MAPPINGS_PATH | Path to the WireMock mapping files. If not set, it will use the default mappings from the project repository. Note: If setting the variable, please keep all WireMock json stub files in a directory named mappings and exclude this directory in the path. For e.g. if you place the mappings in /home/user/mappings then export WIREMOCK_SERVER_MAPPINGS_PATH=/home/user. Stop the service and start service using command ./ccd compose up -d ccd-test-stub-service . If switching back to repository mappings please unset the variable using command unset WIREMOCK_SERVER_MAPPINGS_PATH |
IDAM_KEY_CASE_DOCUMENT | IDAM service-to-service secret key for ccd_case_document_am_api micro-service (CCD Case Document Am Api), as registered in service-auth-provider-api |
IDAM_KEY_TS_TRANSLATION_SERVICE | IDAM service-to-service secret key for ts-translation-service micro-service (Ts Translation Service), as registered in service-auth-provider-api |
- A container can be configured to call a localhost host resource with the localhost shortcut added for docker containers recently. However the shortcut must be set according the docker host operating system.
# for Mac
# for Windows
Remember that once you changed the above for a particular app you have to make sure the container configuration for that app does not try to automatically start the dependency that you have started locally. To do that either comment out the entry for the locally running app from the depends_on section of the config or start the app with --no-deps flag.
- If you happen to run
docker-compose up
before setting up the environment variables, you will probably get error while starting the DB. In that case, clear the containers but also watch out for volumes created to be cleared to get a fresh start since some initialisation scripts don't run if you have already existing volume for the container.
$ docker volume list
# better be empty
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.