Note: This repository is no longer maintained. It is deprecated. You may find more information on HLRS's platforms and their usage here.
Information and tools for providing Julia on the compute systems at HLRS.
First, clone this repository and create an environment variable that refers to the cloned directory's path:
git clone
export JULIA_AT_HLRS="$(pwd)/julia-at-hlrs"
If you can not read from remote repositories you can make a network
connection via SOCKS and https proxy.
From now on, we will use $JULIA_AT_HLRS
to refer to files and folders relative
to the root of this repository.
Make sure you have permissions to write in /sw/...
and that you are using one of the
following login nodes: # hawk # vulcan
Go to the directory where Julia should be installed:
cd /sw/general/x86_64/development/julia
Then, run the Julia install script with the full semver version of Julia you want to install. For example, for Julia 1.9.3, execute
$JULIA_AT_HLRS/bin/ 1.9.3
This will download the precompiled Julia binaries for the Linux x86_64
architecture into the current working directory, and unpack it into a local
directory named after the semver version, e.g., 1.9.3
. The downloaded tar file
can afterwards be deleted with
rm julia-*-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
Module file installation on the compute systems at HLRS is tricky, at least on Hawk. Thus read these instructions carefully and re-check after each step that everything happened as you intended.
Go to the directory where the Julia module files should be installed:
cd /opt/hlrs/non-spack/rev-009_2022-09-01/modulefiles/mpt/2.26/gcc/10.2.0/julia # for MPT
cd /opt/hlrs/non-spack/rev-009_2022-09-01/modulefiles/openmpi/4.1.4/gcc/10.2.0/julia # for OpenMPI
Make sure the paths above are correct for hlrs-software-stack/current
. To do so, print the
module paths:
Then, run the module file install script with the MPI implementation (either
or openmpi
) and the full semver version of Julia you want to
install. For example, for MPT MPI and Julia 1.9.3, execute
$JULIA_AT_HLRS/bin/ mpt 1.9.3
This will copy the relevant module files for the different Julia modules to the
current working directory.
Make sure that the file permissions are (at least) r
for each user.
Next, update the module defaults and aliases by running the
script with the full semver version of Julia you want to install. For example,
for Julia 1.9.3, execute
$JULIA_AT_HLRS/bin/ 1.9.3
Note that this will overwrite the .modulerc.lua
file in your current
directory with something like
module_version("julia/1.9.3", "default")
module_version("julia/1.9.3-cuda", "cuda")
Finally, create symlinks from the modulefile install directory to the directory that is actually part of the module path. To achieve this, go to the module path directory:
cd /opt/hlrs/spack/rev-009_2022-09-01/modulefiles/linux-rocky8-x86_64/gcc/10.2.0/mpt/julia # for MPT
cd /opt/hlrs/spack/rev-009_2022-09-01/modulefiles/linux-rocky8-x86_64/openmpi/4.1.4-y7nxabv/gcc/10.2.0/julia # for OpenMPI
Then, call the
script with the path to the modulefile
install directory and the full semver version of Julia you want to install. For
example, for Julia 1.9.3, create the MPT symlinks by executing
$JULIA_AT_HLRS/bin/ /opt/hlrs/non-spack/rev-009_2022-09-01/modulefiles/mpt/2.26/gcc/10.2.0/julia 1.9.3
and the OpenMPI symlinks by executing
$JULIA_AT_HLRS/bin/ /opt/hlrs/non-spack/rev-009_2022-09-01/modulefiles/gcc/10.2.0/openmpi/julia julia 1.9.3
Go to the directory where the Julia module files should be installed:
cd /opt/modulefiles/julia # on Vulcan
cd /opt/hlrs/non-spack/modulefiles # on the training cluster
Then, run the module file install script with the MPI implementation left empty
(just pass the empty string ""
) and the full semver version of Julia you want to
install. For example, for Julia 1.9.3, execute
$JULIA_AT_HLRS/bin/ "" 1.9.3
This will copy the relevant module files for the different Julia modules to the current working directory.
Next, update the module defaults and aliases by running the
script with the full semver version of Julia you want to install. For example,
for Julia 1.9.3, execute
$JULIA_AT_HLRS/bin/ 1.9.3
Note that this will overwrite the .modulerc
file in your current
directory with something like
module-version "julia/1.9.3" default
module_version("julia/1.9.3", "default")
To make sure that everything works as expected, log out and back in again, and execute
module avail julia
This should list the new module files among the existing ones. Finally, verify that Julia is working as expected by executing
module load julia
julia -e 'using InteractiveUtils; versioninfo()'
which should produce output similar to
Julia Version 1.9.3
Commit bed2cd540a1 (2023-08-24 14:43 UTC)
Build Info:
Official release
Platform Info:
OS: Linux (x86_64-linux-gnu)
CPU: 256 × AMD EPYC 7702 64-Core Processor
LIBM: libopenlibm
LLVM: libLLVM-14.0.6 (ORCJIT, znver2)
Threads: 1 on 256 virtual cores
LD_LIBRARY_PATH = /sw/general/x86_64/development/julia/1.9.3/lib:/opt/hlrs/non-spack/rev-009_2022-09-01/compiler/gcc/10.2.0/mpt_custom_fortran_modules/2.26:/opt/hlrs/non-spack/mpi/mpt/2.26/lib:/opt/hlrs/non-spack/rev-009_2022-09-01/compiler/gcc/10.2.0/lib64
JULIA_DEPOT_PATH = /zhome/academic/HLRS/hlrs/hpcnnehe/.julia/HLRS/hawk
JULIA_ROOT = /sw/general/x86_64/development/julia/1.9.3
JULIA_HOME = /sw/general/x86_64/development/julia/1.9.3
The contents of this repository are published under the MIT license (see LICENSE). We are very happy to accept contributions from everyone, preferably in the form of a PR.
This repository is maintained by Michael Schlottke-Lakemper (University of Stuttgart, Germany).