A configurable backup script to automate keeping your clients or servers backed up locally and remotely.
This is still VERY much a work-in-progress. It backs stuff up via a config....that's all at the moment.
- Will generate a configuration file when running script for the first time (with or without arguments).
- Will check to make sure all filepaths in config exist before running
- Verify the local paths in config exist
- Verify servers are up
- Will run a dry-run to check what will be backed up.
- Will backup to all directories listed in the configuration file (with or without mirroring depending on flags passed)
- rsync Utility that provides fast incremental file transfer. Required on both client and host.
- SSH key pair for backup server login. I have no intention of implementing password login.
- Any other unix based device that you want to backup from or to.
To use btnu, follow the instructions below:
Clone the sspush repository to your local machine using the command:
Navigate to the cloned repository directory using the command
cd BackThatNasUp
Make the sspush script executable using the command
chmod +x btnu.sh
Run the script with
- On the first use (when no config file is present) you will be prompted to generate an empty config file.
Note: All ONSITE variables are required as well as at least one DIRECTORIES path
# Config file for btnu
# List of directories you want to backup.
# Meant to be a different host, but located locally
# Enter IP or hostname.
# Path on the onsite host where the backup will be stored
# Username for onsite host
# Onsite host SSH priv key path
# Meant to be a different host located offsite away from your onsite host.
# Path on remote host where the backup will be stored
# Username for offsite host
# Offsite host SSH priv key path
Be aware: references to your home directory in the conf file must be done with $HOME, not ~. $HOME is a shell variable, and ~ is an expansion symbol.
- Once the configuration file is created your editor should open to edit the file.
- When the configuration file is filled out run you can run the script using one of the flags below.
- Will create a configuration file if none is present. If one is you will be presented with a help dialogue.btnu.sh -m
- Will run a dry-run of a mirror backup jobbtnu.sh -M
- Will run a mirror backup jobbtnu.sh -r
- Will run a dry-run backup without mirroring (-avzhpe rsync options)btnu.sh -R
- Will run a backup without mirroring (-avzhpe rsync options)
I would love to hear if there are any bugs or a requested feature! ❤️
If you would like to contribute to the btnu project, follow the instructions below:
- Fork the BackThatNasUp repository to your Github account.
- Clone your fork of the BackThatNasUp repository to your local machine.
- Make your changes to the btnu script.
- Push your changes to your fork of the BackThatNasUp repository.
- Submit a pull request to the original BackThatNasUp repository.
The btnu bash script is released under the GNU General Public License v3.0. See the LICENSE file for more information.