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Staves of Power

Hyperlynx edited this page Mar 5, 2024 · 12 revisions

The Staves of Power are powerful magical tools and weapons, and can be seen as one of the major goals of interacting with the mod.



First, craft the Inert Staff of Power. This requires a Crystallized Nether Portal, which you can get by following the Nether Portal behavior described in Area Memory. Then, you must place the Inert Staff of Power within a few blocks of a Crucible. The Inert Staff will be 'exposed' to any Power you empty from the Crucible with shift-right-click.

(There must be at least 50% of that Power for it to count.)

In particular, you need to expose the Inert Staff to the three Esoteric Powers in a specific order. The order is listed in the Journal as "BLASTING, FOAMING, GRID BREAK"; this refers to the three reactions those Esoteric Powers can have when a Gold Symbol is near. To solve the puzzle, you must test each Esoteric Power and discover if it causes the Blasting, Foaming, or Grid Break (Motion Salt) reaction. Then, expose the Inert Staff to the Esoteric Powers in that order.

Full Example Imagine that in your world, these reactions exist:

Esoteric I + Gold Symbol -> Gold Foam

Esoteric II + Gold Symbol -> Motion Salt / Grid Break

Esoteric III + Gold Symbol -> Explosion / Blasting

In that world, to craft a Staff of Power, you must expose an Inert Staff to III, then I, then II.

Each successful step will play a sound and add particles around the Inert Staff. Do not break it at any step of this process or you will have to restart. If you get the order wrong, you will also have to restart. Finally, expose the staff to one of the Base Powers to finalize the Staff.


Each Staff's ability is used with right click, and slowly drains durability from the staff. Staves cannot break, however; at 1 durability remaining they simply refuse to work, like Elytra, so you always have a chance to repair them. As you craft staves, descriptions of their abilities are added to the Journal.

Arcane Staff of Power

Provides a simple short-ranged attack. It fires three bolts of arcane power each time it pulses, each of which may target any nearby living being aside from Armor Stands and the wielder's pets.

Blazing Staff of Power

Shoots Blaze fireballs wherever you look. The fireballs will converge on an entity you look at, or a point along your line of sight up to 32 blocks away.

Living Staff of Power

Produces a healing aura while you use it. This aura provides Regeneration and a substantial Health Boost to any living brings within the aura.

Radiant Staff of Power

Creates invisible, intangible light sources. Swinging it with left click is the only way to destroy these lights without covering over them. The beam it shoots is also very dangerous to the undead.

Spectral Staff of Power

Conjures a cloud of spirits that obliterate living things in their area of effect, including the wielder if the AoE includes them.

Warping Staff of Power

Has the power to teleport living beings. Using it once will select a creature, and using it again teleports that creature to the spot you are aiming. It has no range limit, but unbinds instantly if you leave the dimension the creature is in.