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Folders and files

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A single file script for Issue management. Just clickdown init and read the if you want to get deeper.


  • Create tickets
  • Create boards
  • Powerful ticket template language capable of any possible ticket customization
  • Powerful search by any attribute and efficient full-text search
  • Powerful history, even displaying ticket changes per-line!
  • Extremely easy to setup and get started


git, grep (optional), sh

Suggested flow

If you're coming from traditional extremely overloaded project management software (like Jira or Clickup), it might be a little confusing how everything related to ticket management was already there. Please refer to the following recepies.

Create a project

Create a new empty directory, enter it and run clickdown init. It will create Git repository, ticket template file and a README. Then you'll need to configure git by editing .git/config to put the project files on some git hosting (like Github, Gitlab or

Use existing project

Just use git clone with a URL of the project you want to use

Create a ticket

Just run a clickdown new Ticket and it will create an empty ticket with a name Ticket and some ither fields. Each field is populated by a simple shell command.

Edit a ticket

Just call clickdown edit Ticket and it will edit a ticket and push it with relevant commit message

Edit a ticket template

Ticket template is just a shell template which allows regular shell commands to be executed inside of the $(). To edit it, call clickdown edit-template

Create a sprint or workflow or ticket group.

Simply create a directory like mkdir Sprint-1. To put some tickets there, use symbolic links, like ln -s ticket/Learn_Clickdown.txt Sprint-1. To document what this sprint is about, just put a file called in the directory.

Don't forget to commit and push the change with git add . && git commit -m "Added Sprint-1" && git push

Search tickets

To search by any field, use a powerful utility called grep. For example, to search by author use grep "Author: Jhon Doe" tickets/*. To search tickets by status (if you have this field), use grep "Status: OPEN" tickets/*. To search in specific sprint or workflow or ticket group, use grep "Author: Jhon Doe" Sprint-1/*

View history

For history and synchronization, clickdown uses powerful git utility. To view history of changes for specific ticket, use git blame tickets/Ticket.txt. To view history of all changes in the project, use git log

Web user interface

Sometimes you don't have access to CLI. In this case, feel free to use powerful and extremely efficient interfaces or your Git hosting

Special thanks

To Clickup, for loading the sprint board for soo long, that I was able to write this whole project from scratch.