This repository provides Repo manifests to setup the Yocto build system for supported Gumstix products.
The Yocto Project allows the creation of custom linux distributions for embedded systems, including Gumstix-based systems. It is a collection of git repositories known as layers each of which provides recipes to build software packages as well as configuration information.
Repo is a tool that enables the management of many git repositories given a single manifest file. Tell repo to fetch a manifest from this repository and it will fetch the git repositories specified in the manifest and, by doing so, setup a Yocto Project build environment for you!
1. Install Repo.
Download the Repo script:
$ curl > repo
Make it executable:
$ chmod a+x repo
Move it on to your system path:
$ sudo mv repo /usr/local/bin/
If it is correctly installed, you should see a Usage message when invoked with the help flag.
$ repo --help
2. Initialize a Repo client.
Create an empty directory to hold your working files:
To test out the bleeding edge, type:
$ repo init -u git:// -b morty
$ repo sync
Note that the default settings for bblayers.conf and local.conf may change between branches. If the environment was originally setup with e.g. TEMPLATECONF=meta-hiiaka-extras/conf, check the *.sample files in that directory for any corresponding changes needed to the settings in build/conf/.
To get back to the known stable version, type:
$ repo init -u git:// -b rocko
$ repo sync
To learn more about repo, look at Repo Command Reference