Racket interpreter made by Haskell and Happy
make sure you have already installed Haskell.
clone this repository.
$ git clone https://github.com/hideUW/racket_interpreter.git
- Use below command to start Racket Interpreter.
$ runhaskell OctopusInterpreter.hs
- Type random Racket codes.
>>> (+ 1 1)
>>> (define x 2)
>>> (* x 3)
>>> ((lambda (x y) ((lambda (y) (+ x y)) 10)) 1 2)
>>> (letrec ((zero? (lambda (x) (equal? x 0)))(even? (lambda (x) (if (zero? x) #t (odd? (- x 1)))))(odd? (lambda (x) (if (zero? x) #f (even? (- x 1)))))(mod2 (lambda (x) (if (even? x) 0 1))))(cons (mod2 5) (cons (mod2 6) '())))
(1 0)
- You can exit by just typing return.
Edit OctoParser.y
Generate Haskell lexer file by using below command.
$ Happy OctoParser.y