Cookiecutter template for Coefficient projects.
# Install cookiecutter
pipx install cookiecutter
# Install from local
cookiecutter /path/to/coefficient-cookiecutter/
# Install from repo
This cookiecutter project is self-referential (!) and conforms to the guidelines outlined in the generated cookiecutter documentation. Please refer to {{cookiecutter.repo_name}}/ and {{cookiecutter.repo_name}}/docs/ for advice on how to contribute.
pipx install cookiecutter
cookiecutter /path/to/coefficient-cookiecutter/
# Use project defaults
cd coefficient-project
# Install Python & dependencies
pyenv shell $(cat .python-version)
python -V # check this is the correct version of Python
mkvirtualenv $(cat .venv)
python -V # check this is the correct version of Python
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
poetry install --no-root --remove-untracked
# Run tests
# Towncrier & pre-commit require us to be in a repo
git init
# Test towncrier (if installed)
towncrier create 123.added --edit
# Write something, save, close
towncrier build --version=0.2
# Confirm your update is now in
# Test out pre-commit
pre-commit run --all-files --hook-stage=manual --show-diff-on-failure
# Clean up
rmvirtualenv $(cat .venv)
rm -rf ./.git/
cd ..
rm -r ./coefficient-project