Based on SimpleWeek (dutch):
Based on Simplicity & Complexity.
Binary release:
Open a terminal window in the directory where you installed the SDK and change to the watches directory with this command:
cd <sdk_path>/watches/
Recreate the symlinks to the SDK files with this command:
../tools/ --symlink-only ../sdk/ simpleweek-de
Configure the project using these commands:
cd simpleweek-de
./waf configure
Build the project using this command:
./waf build
Copy simpleweek-de.pbw from <sdk_path>/watches/simpleweek-de/build to a dropbox folder
Use your phone's dropbox app to download simpleweek-de.pbw to your phone
First, make sure libpebble is set up and running properly. Then:
/<libpebble_path>/ --pebble_id <PEBBLE_ID_OR_MAC_ADDRESS> --lightblue load simpleweek-de.pbw
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000
Use your phone's web browser to browse to the pbw file in the build folder, and click it to install.