File Explorer
A terminal based file explorer with limited functionalities.
Works in two modes : Normal Mode and Command mode.
Normal mode :
-Lists files and directories along with details. -Opens files and directories when enter key is pressed. -Vertical can be done using arrow keys. (Vertical overflow not handled.)
-Files are opened using open.(xdg-open is not present in Mac Os).
-Traversal can be done using left and right arrow keys, backspace and 'h' keys.
Command Mode :
Mode shifts from Nornal mode to command mode on pressing colon.
All paths are to be provided relative to the root for copy_file, copy_dir, delete_file, delete_dir and goto.
For snapshot command, dumpfile name has to be provided which will be created at application root.
(File Search command not implemented.)
-Create file syntax : create_file foo.txt /abc (File path is relative from application root)
-Create directory : create_dir folder /abc
-Copy file or directory : copy file_name /abc
-Move file or directory : move file_name /abc
-Rename file : rename old_name new_name
-Delete file : delete_file /abc/file_name
-Delete directory : delete_dir /abc/dir_name
-Goto : goto /dir_name
-Snapshot : snapshot folder_name dumpfile_name.
(Dumpfile will be present on application root.)
On pressing escape key, the application goes back to Normal mode.