Create accessible color palettes
- WCAG contrast validation
- Graph-based color relationships
- Save to localStorage
- Share with a link (soon)
- Download as: (soon)
- tailwind css variables (tailwind 4.0)
- Figma integration (to be confirmed) (?)
>> For more items see: backlog
This project was created to help designers and developers to create accessible color systems.
It use a graph data structure to elaborate intricate color relationships and validation between then to ensure minimal contrast ratios based on WCAG rules.
Many of the current validation tools are based on a single color contrast validation, but this project aims to create a more complex system that can validate multiple colors at once and also demonstrating graphically the relationships between them.
clone the project
git clone
run development mode
docker compose up -d dev
run production build
docker compose up -d prod
commit to
branch and use conventional commitsgit add <files> pnpm commit # and follow the instructions
create a pull request to
branchpnpm pr:main
Created with husky, the following hooks are available:
: typecheck, test, lint and format staged code;commit-msg
: ensure conventional-commits format.
- release: semantic-release will be created on
branch, it will add a new tag and create a new release on github; - deploy: on
event, the project will be deployed to github pages;