This will tell you how to fix screendump iOS 14+
Install the followings:
- ldid
- curl
- libplist3
- screendump
run this in mobile using newterm or ssh:
curl -o entitlements.plist && ldid -Sentitlements.plist /usr/libexec/screendumpd
congrat bug fix !!!11 it should work now
"curl -o entitlements.plist"
This code crawls to the defined url and this part "-o entitlements.plist" saves the file as entitlements.plist to the current directory (it will overwrite the file if it exists so make sure you have that other entitlements file saved)
"ldid -Sentitlements.plist /usr/libexec/screendumpd"
This code signs the screendump daemon with the correct entitlements obtained from the referenced file using ldid (in this case it's entitlements.plist)
If you get this error then reinstall ldid/libplist3
Sometimes ldid references the wrong libplist library, if it doesn't work, try reinstalling libplist3
If you get this error then it means it failed saving the entitlements.plist to the current directory on the terminal, try cd to a different directory
I don't know what this error means but probably try rerunning the ldid command again