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TGLF code called for EP driven local linear AE simulations

TGLFEP code is a program to run TGLF with energetic paritcle (EP) conveniently, where using the code TGLF (inside GAcode) with the version number (on May 7th, 2016) ''TGLF stable_r6.0.0-31-gba49'' on NERSC ''EDISON_CRAY Linux x86_64'' or '' CORI Linux x86_64''.

TGLFEP_interface.f90 contains the module of internal parameters for TGLFEP code.

TGLFEP_tglf_map.f90 contains the module of input profiles and the subroutine to read plasma and geometry profiles from input file input.profile as well as the subroutine to map the parameters to TGLF in the required formats.

TGLFEP_driver.f90 will read the control parameters from input file input.TGLFEP.

The other subroutines contain different processes for different simulation scheme.

Input: profiles

Four different example profiles have been tested: GA-std case, DIII-D NBI case (with GYRO inputs), EPtran profiles, Two EP species case.

The existed input.profile is the example profiles for the DIII-D NBI case with 50 radii (r/a = 0.0 excluded), which are calculated by EPtran code.

Input: control parameters

The control parameters of TGLFEP code are read from file input.TGLFEP.

The existed input.TGLFEP has been set to get the EP critical beta for the inner 40 radii. The outputs are in the file out.TGLFEP. For the outside 10 radii, save the above output file at first and just change 40 SCAN_N to 10 SCAN_N, 1 IRS to 41 IRS, and 4.0 FACTOR_IN to 8.0 FACTOR_IN in input.TGLFEP file. Then run TGLFEP again.

SCAN_N is the amout of radii to calculate (don't have to be the same with the total number of radii, but should be less or equal to that). IRS is the starting radius.

FACTOR_IN indicates the upper boundary of the EP density scale. If the input EP density cannot drive AE modes, a larger FACTOR_IN > 1.0 (up to 2., 10., or even 100.) should be used.

EP critical beta of New cases

When you want to run a new case with TGLFEP, for example still the DIII-D NBI case but with different profiles.

  • At first, you should generate a new input.profile based on your plasma and geometry profiles in the TGLF formats.
  • Then try to run TGLFEP code and get the new output file.
  • Check the outputs. If at some radii, EP critical beta are not found (that is, SFmin shows NOT correctly in out.TGLFEP), you need to change FACTOR_IN in input.TGLFEP to a larger value and try for these radii again.

By the way, however it is possible that for some cases, the EP critical beta doesn't exist and surely cannot be found even if with a very large FACTOR_IN.


Recommend to use 25xSCAN_N CPUs (or more) to run these cases. It usually costs about 20 mimutes on Cori (using ceil(25xSCAN_N /32) nodes) or on Edison (using ceil(25xSCAN_N /24) nodes).

More introductions on TGLF input formats

The p_prime in TGLF is usually negative and should use the total pressure including the EP species.


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