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Gym exercises exploratory data analysis and visualization project using Python.

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🏋🏽 Exploratory Data Analysis: Gym Exercises

This repository contains an exploratory data analysis of gym exercises using Python.

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This data analysis project focuses on exploring data from a csv dataset using Python.

The goal of this work is to explore and analyze the dataset to obtain valuable information about gym workouts.

The analysis process covers key steps such as data loading, data cleaning, data exploration, data analysis and data visualization using Python.


The ultimate goal of this project is to explore the csv file dataset to obtain all relevant information about a large collection of gym exercises.

Once the data is loaded, it will be cleaned and preprocessed to undergo univariate and bivariate exploration to then display and visualize the significant results obtained.

Through the exploration and analysis of the data, it is expected to find answers to the following points:

  • Most trained muscle groups
  • Most frequently used equipment
  • Most performed type of exercise
  • Most frequent type of user: beginner, intermediate, or expert
  • Most used muscle group and equipment in the different exercise types
  • User segmentation

Project overview

  1. Data loading
  2. Data cleaning: prepare the dataset for further exploration
  3. Data exploration:
    • Univariate analysis
    • Bivariate analysis
  4. Data visualization of the information obtained during the exploration
  5. Insights


The following tools are necessary to carry out this project:

  • Python 3
  • Jupyter Notebooks
  • Python libraries:
    • Numpy
    • Pandas
    • Matplotlib.pyplot
    • Seaborn

Technical skills

The following skills were used throughout the implementation of this project:

  • Data loading
  • Data cleaning
  • Data exploration
  • Data visualization

Data set

The data for this analysis is loaded from a csv file which can be found uploaded in this repository.

The dataset consists of:

  • 2918 entries
  • 9 columns

Data cleaning

Once the dataset was loaded, it was required to clean it to ensure its readability, comprehensibility, integrity and reliability.

For this purpose, column names were modified to make them more informative and improve readability, and missing values, duplicates and outliers were properly handled.

Data exploration

To obtain useful information from this dataset, an in-depth exploratory analysis was carried out. The dataset was analyzed in a univariate and bivariate basis.

Univariate analysis involved analyzing each variable in the dataset separately.

The bivariate analysis consisted of examining two different variables to determine whether there is a dependence or relationship between them.

Data visualization

Data visualization plays a crucial role in data analysis, as it is the stage at which the conclusions drawn from the analysis are effectively communicated.

This stage focuses on creating visual representations of the insights gained during the analysis. The Python libraries Matplotlib and Seaborn were used for this purpose.


The project successfully analyzed a wide range of existing gym exercises.

As expected from this project, the following questions were answered:

Most trained muscle group

The muscle groups that are trained the most are: abdominals, quadriceps and shoulders.

Exercise distribution per muscle group

Most frequent type of user: beginner, intermediate, or experts

Intermediate level users have the widest amount of exercises available, followed by beginners.

Exercise distribution per difficulty level

Most performed type of exercise

Strength and stretching are the most popular type of exercises.

Exercise distribution per exercise type

Most frequently used equipment

Bodyweight (body only), dumbbells and barbells are the most used gym equipment.

Exercise distribution per equipment

Most efficient equipment

The most efficient equipments are bands and body only.

Equipment efficiency

The body part that used the most amount of equipment are the shoulders.

equipment efficiency_muscle groups frequency

Most used muscle group and equipment in the different exercise types

These are the most trained muscle group and gym equipment per exercise type.

Exercise Type Muscle Group Equipment
Cardio Quadriceps Body only
Olympic weightlifting Quadriceps Barbell
Plyometrics Quadriceps Body only
Powerlifting Hamstrings Barbell
Strength Abdominals Body only
Stretching Hamstrings Body only
Strongman Quadriceps Other equipment

Most targeted muscle group per exercise type

Muscle group vs Exercise Type

Most used equipment per exercise type Equipment vs Exercise Type

User segmentation

  • Beginners:

    • mainly perfom strenght exercises,
    • focus their training in: quads, chest and hamstrings, and
    • mostly use their own bodyweight and barbells.
  • Intermediate users:

    • mainly train strength,
    • target: abdominals, quadriceps and shoulders, and
    • mostly use their own bodyweight and dumbbels.
  • Experts:

    • focus on strength training,
    • their training targets mainly:quadriceps, abdominalss and lats, and
    • mostly use their own body weight and barbells.

Best rated exercises by Muscle Group

These are the best rated exercises for each muscle group.

Muscle Group Exercise Name
Abdominals Landmine twist
Adductors Thigh adductor
Biceps Incline Hammer Curls
Calves Smith Machine Calf Raise
Chest Pushups
Glutes Barbell glute bridge
Lats Weighted pull-up
Lower Back Atlas Stones
Middle Back T-Bar Row with Handle
Neck Lying Face Down Plate Neck Resistance
Quadriceps Single-Leg Press
Shoulders Dumbbell front raise to lateral raise
Traps Smith machine shrug
Triceps Triceps dip

Full body strength beginner routine with barbell equipment

These are the exercises for a perfect beginner full body strength routine in which only a barbell is necessary.

Muscle Group Exercise Name
Abdominals Bench barbell roll-out
Biceps Wide-grip barbell curl
Calves Rocking Standing Calf Raise
Chest Wide-grip bench press
Lats Barbell pull-over to press
Lower Back Stiff Leg Barbell Good Morning
Middle Back Yates Row Reverse Grip
Quadriceps Weighted Jump Squat
Shoulders Snatch-Grip Behind-The-Neck Overhead Press
Triceps Decline Close-Grip Bench To Skull Crusher

Full body stretch routine with no equipment

This is a great full body stretching routine suitable for all levels of difficulty with no equipment required.

Muscle Group Exercise Name
Abdominals Stomach Vacuum
Abductors Standing Hip Circles
Adductors Groiners
Biceps Seated Biceps
Calves Peroneals-SMR
Glutes Lying glute stretch
Lats One Arm Against Wall
Lower Back Superman
Middle Back Rhomboids SMR
Neck Side Neck Stretch
Quadriceps Kneeling hip flexor stretch
Shoulders Upward Stretch
Triceps Tricep Side Stretch

Top 5 exercises: abdominals, quadriceps and shoulders

  • Abdominals:
Muscle Group Exercise Name Equipment
Abdominals Landmine twist Other
Abdominals Dumbbell V-Sit Cross Jab Dumbbell
Abdominals Dumbbell spell caster Dumbbell
Abdominals Suspended ab fall-out Other
Abdominals Bottoms Up Body Only
  • Quadriceps:
Muscle Group Exercise Name Equipment
Quadriceps Single-Leg press Machine
Quadriceps Clean from Blocks Barbell
Quadriceps Tire flip Other
Quadriceps Barbell Full Squat Barbell
Quadriceps Push-press Barbell
  • Shoulders
Muscle Group Exercise Name Equipment
Shoulders Dumbbell front raise to lateral raise Dumbbell
Shoulders Single-arm palm-in dumbbell shoulder press Dumbbell
Shoulders Clean and press Barbell
Shoulders Clean and jerk Barbell
Shoulders Single-arm kettlebell push-press Kettlebells