This module manages MCollective.
It supports:
- generic STOMP, ActiveMQ and RabbitMQ connectors (optionally over SSL)
- PSK and SSL security providers
- Action policy rules
This module is provided by Camptocamp
This module has a single access point class:
class { '::mcollective':
broker_host => '',
broker_port => '61613',
broker_ssl => false,
security_provider => 'psk',
security_secret => 'P@S5w0rD',
use_node => true,
use_client => false,
class { '::mcollective':
broker_host => '',
broker_port => '61614',
security_provider => 'ssl',
use_node => true,
use_client => true,
This module provides two classes to configure MCollective nodes and clients.
Installs and configures an MCollective node:
class { '::mcollective':
broker_host => '',
broker_port => '61614',
security_provider => 'psk',
security_secret => 'P@S5w0rD',
use_node => false,
include ::mcollective::node
Installs and configures an MCollective client:
class { '::mcollective':
broker_host => '',
broker_port => '61614',
security_provider => 'psk',
security_secret => 'P@S5w0rD',
use_node => false,
include ::mcollective::client
Several definitions allow to enhance MCollective nodes and clients.
Installs an MCollective plugin using packages:
mcollective::plugin { 'puppetca':
ensure => present,
Installs an MCollective application from a file:
mcollective::application { 'healthcheck':
ensure => present,
Deploys a public client SSL certificate for authentication:
mcollective::client::certificate { 'foo':
ensure => present,
key_source_dir => 'puppet:///modules/module_name/path/to/dir/',
Sets up an base action policy file for an agent:
mcollective::actionpolicy::base { 'puppetd':
ensure => present,
Sets up an action policy rule for an agent:
mcollective::actionpolicy { 'Allow puppetd status for cert foo':
ensure => present,
agent => 'puppetd',
rpccaller => 'cert=foo',
actions => 'status',
Please report bugs and feature request using GitHub issue tracker.
For pull requests, it is very much appreciated to check your Puppet manifest with puppet-lint to follow the recommended Puppet style guidelines from the Puppet Labs style guide.
Copyright (c) 2013 All rights reserved.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.