Node project using IBM technologies, more specifically AI technologies for building a word game. This project uses Visual Reconogition, Language Translator and Watson Assistant (Chatbot).
To get started, install its dependencies using the following command:
npm install
If the installation using the previous command was unsuccessful, install all packages using:
npm install --save ejs express ibm-watson
Once this is done, you can start your local server with the command:
npm start
NOTE: It is recommended that you use npm install
or, if it does not work, make sure that the ibm-watson
package version is the same as package.json
(4.5.3), as this may be a problem!
The keys.json file is responsible for storing and passing the keys needed to execute the code, since it uses IBM Cloud services. For the code to work, you must enter your credentials (keys) in this file.
The sprakskola-skill.json file contains the skill used to create chatbot. So if you want to keep the same chatbot, use this file!