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E calculation (#71)
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* Add E field computations; Add axis extraction

* Export more utility methods

* Bump patch
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henry2004y authored Dec 6, 2024
1 parent 62897ff commit b11ecb3
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Showing 6 changed files with 141 additions and 28 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name = "Batsrus"
uuid = "e74ebddf-6ac1-4047-a0e5-c32c99e57753"
authors = ["Hongyang Zhou <>"]
version = "0.7.2"
version = "0.7.3"

FortranFiles = "c58ffaec-ab22-586d-bfc5-781a99fd0b10"
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4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion src/Batsrus.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,9 @@ using StaticArrays: SVector, @SMatrix, SA

export BATS,
load, readlogdata, readtecdata, showhead, # io
getvar, cutdata, subvolume, subsurface, # select
getvar, cutdata, subvolume, subsurface, get_convection_E, get_hall_E,
get_anisotropy, get_vectors, get_magnitude, get_magnitude2,
fill_vector_from_scalars, # select
Batl, convertTECtoVTU, convertIDLtoVTK, readhead, readtree, getConnectivity, # vtk
interp1d, interp2d, slice1d, get_var_range, squeeze, get_range # plot/utility

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114 changes: 89 additions & 25 deletions src/select.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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getvar(bd, var)

"Construct vectors from scalar components."
function _fill_vector_from_scalars(bd::BATS{ndim, ndimp1, T}, var) where {ndim, ndimp1, T}
v1, v2, v3 = _get_vectors(bd, var)
fill_vector_from_scalars(bd::BATS, var)
Construct vector of `var` from its scalar components.
Alternatively, use [`get_vectors`](@ref) for returning the individual components.
function fill_vector_from_scalars(bd::BATS{ndim, ndimp1, T}, var) where {ndim, ndimp1, T}
v1, v2, v3 = get_vectors(bd, var)
v = Array{T, ndimp1}(undef, 3, size(v1)...)

Rpost = CartesianIndices(size(v1))
Expand All @@ -203,8 +208,13 @@ function _fill_vector_from_scalars(bd::BATS{ndim, ndimp1, T}, var) where {ndim,

function _get_magnitude2(bd::BATS{2, 3, T}, var=:B) where T
vx, vy, vz = _get_vectors(bd, var)
get_magnitude2(bd::BATS, var)
Calculate the magnitude square of vector `var`. See [`get_vectors`](@ref) for the options.
function get_magnitude2(bd::BATS{2, 3, T}, var=:B) where T
vx, vy, vz = get_vectors(bd, var)
v = similar(vx)::Array{T, 2}

@inbounds @simd for i in eachindex(v)
Expand All @@ -214,8 +224,13 @@ function _get_magnitude2(bd::BATS{2, 3, T}, var=:B) where T

function _get_magnitude(bd::BATS{2, 3, T}, var=:B) where T
vx, vy, vz = _get_vectors(bd, var)
get_magnitude(bd::BATS, var)
Calculate the magnitude of vector `var`. See [`get_vectors`](@ref) for the options.
function get_magnitude(bd::BATS{2, 3, T}, var=:B) where T
vx, vy, vz = get_vectors(bd, var)
v = similar(vx)::Array{T, 2}

@inbounds @simd for i in eachindex(v)
Expand All @@ -225,7 +240,12 @@ function _get_magnitude(bd::BATS{2, 3, T}, var=:B) where T

function _get_vectors(bd::BATS{Dim, Dimp1, T}, var) where {Dim, Dimp1,T}
get_vectors(bd::BATS, var)
Return a tuple of vectors of `var`. `var` can be `:B`, `:E`, `:U`, `:U0`, or `:U1`.
function get_vectors(bd::BATS{Dim, Dimp1, T}, var) where {Dim, Dimp1, T}
VT = SubArray{T, Dim, Array{T, Dimp1}, Tuple{Base.Slice{Base.OneTo{Int64}},
Base.Slice{Base.OneTo{Int64}}, Int64}, true}
if var == :B
Expand All @@ -243,7 +263,12 @@ function _get_vectors(bd::BATS{Dim, Dimp1, T}, var) where {Dim, Dimp1,T}
vx, vy, vz

function _get_anisotropy(bd::BATS{2, 3, T}, species=0) where T
get_anisotropy(bd::BATS, species=0)
Calculate the pressure anisotropy for `species`, indexing from 0.
function get_anisotropy(bd::BATS{2, 3, T}, species=0) where T
VT = SubArray{T, 2, Array{T, 3}, Tuple{Base.Slice{Base.OneTo{Int64}},
Base.Slice{Base.OneTo{Int64}}, Int64}, true}
Bx, By, Bz = bd["Bx"]::VT, bd["By"]::VT, bd["Bz"]::VT
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -272,21 +297,60 @@ function _get_anisotropy(bd::BATS{2, 3, T}, species=0) where T

"Return the convection electric field from PIC outputs."
function get_convection_E(bd::BATS)
Bx, By, Bz = get_vectors(bd, :B)
# Let us use H+ velocities as the ion bulk velocity and ignore heavy ions
uix, uiy, uiz = get_vectors(bd, :U1)

Econvx = similar(Bx)
Econvy = similar(By)
Econvz = similar(Bz)
# -Ui × B
@simd for i in eachindex(Econvx)
Econvx[i] = -uiy[i]*Bz[i] + uiz[i]*By[i]
Econvy[i] = -uiz[i]*Bx[i] + uix[i]*Bz[i]
Econvz[i] = -uix[i]*By[i] + uiy[i]*Bx[i]

Econvx, Econvy, Econvz

"Return the Hall electric field from PIC outputs."
function get_hall_E(bd::BATS)
Bx, By, Bz = get_vectors(bd, :B)
uex, uey, uez = get_vectors(bd, :U0)
# Let us use H+ velocities as the ion bulk velocity and ignore heavy ions
uix, uiy, uiz = get_vectors(bd, :U1)

Ehallx = similar(Bx)
Ehally = similar(By)
Ehallz = similar(Bz)
# (Ui - Ue) × B
for i in eachindex(Ehallx)
Ehallx[i] = (uiy[i] - uey[i])*Bz[i] - (uiz[i] - uez[i])*By[i]
Ehally[i] = (uiz[i] - uez[i])*Bx[i] - (uix[i] - uex[i])*Bz[i]
Ehallz[i] = (uix[i] - uex[i])*By[i] - (uiy[i] - uey[i])*Bx[i]

Ehallx, Ehally, Ehallz

# Define derived parameters
const variables_predefined = Dict{String, Function}(
"B2" => (bd -> _get_magnitude2(bd, :B)),
"E2" => (bd -> _get_magnitude2(bd, :E)),
"U2" => (bd -> _get_magnitude2(bd, :U)),
"Ue2" => (bd -> _get_magnitude2(bd, :U0)),
"Ui2" => (bd -> _get_magnitude2(bd, :U1)),
"Bmag" => (bd -> _get_magnitude(bd, :B)),
"Emag" => (bd -> _get_magnitude(bd, :E)),
"Umag" => (bd -> _get_magnitude(bd, :U)),
"Uemag" => (bd -> _get_magnitude(bd, :U0)),
"Uimag" => (bd -> _get_magnitude(bd, :U1)),
"B" => (bd -> _fill_vector_from_scalars(bd, :B)),
"E" => (bd -> _fill_vector_from_scalars(bd, :E)),
"U" => (bd -> _fill_vector_from_scalars(bd, :U)),
"Anisotropy0" => (bd -> _get_anisotropy(bd, 0)),
"Anisotropy1" => (bd -> _get_anisotropy(bd, 1)),
"B2" => (bd -> get_magnitude2(bd, :B)),
"E2" => (bd -> get_magnitude2(bd, :E)),
"U2" => (bd -> get_magnitude2(bd, :U)),
"Ue2" => (bd -> get_magnitude2(bd, :U0)),
"Ui2" => (bd -> get_magnitude2(bd, :U1)),
"Bmag" => (bd -> get_magnitude(bd, :B)),
"Emag" => (bd -> get_magnitude(bd, :E)),
"Umag" => (bd -> get_magnitude(bd, :U)),
"Uemag" => (bd -> get_magnitude(bd, :U0)),
"Uimag" => (bd -> get_magnitude(bd, :U1)),
"B" => (bd -> fill_vector_from_scalars(bd, :B)),
"E" => (bd -> fill_vector_from_scalars(bd, :E)),
"U" => (bd -> fill_vector_from_scalars(bd, :U)),
"Anisotropy0" => (bd -> get_anisotropy(bd, 0)),
"Anisotropy1" => (bd -> get_anisotropy(bd, 1)),
37 changes: 37 additions & 0 deletions src/utility.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -89,6 +89,43 @@ function interp2d(bd::BATS{2, 3, T}, var::AbstractString,
xi, yi, Wi

"Return the axis range for 2D outputs. See [`interp2d`](@ref)."
function meshgrid(bd::BATS,
plotrange::Vector=[-Inf32, Inf32, -Inf32, Inf32], plotinterval::Real=Inf32)
x = bd.x

if bd.head.gencoord # Generalized coordinates
X, Y = eachslice(x, dims=3)
X, Y = vec(X), vec(Y)

adjust_plotrange!(plotrange, extrema(X), extrema(Y))
# Set a heuristic value if not set
if isinf(plotinterval)
plotinterval = (plotrange[2] - plotrange[1]) / size(X, 1)
xi = range(plotrange[1], stop=plotrange[2], step=plotinterval)
yi = range(plotrange[3], stop=plotrange[4], step=plotinterval)
else # Cartesian coordinates
xrange = range(x[1,1,1], x[end,1,1], length=size(x,1))
yrange = range(x[1,1,2], x[1,end,2], length=size(x,2))
if all(isinf.(plotrange))
xi, yi = xrange, yrange
adjust_plotrange!(plotrange, (xrange[1], xrange[end]), (yrange[1], yrange[end]))

if isinf(plotinterval)
xi = range(plotrange[1], stop=plotrange[2], step=xrange[2] - xrange[1])
yi = range(plotrange[3], stop=plotrange[4], step=yrange[2] - yrange[1])
xi = range(plotrange[1], stop=plotrange[2], step=plotinterval)
yi = range(plotrange[3], stop=plotrange[4], step=plotinterval)

xi, yi

"Find variable index in the BATSRUS data."
function findindex(bd::BATS, var::AbstractString)
varIndex_ = findfirst(x->lowercase(x)==lowercase(var), bd.head.wnames)
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/vtk.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ function swaprows!(X::Matrix, i::Int, j::Int)

"Return header from info file. Currently only designed for 2D and 3D."
"Return BATL header from info file. Currently only designed for 2D and 3D."
function readhead(filehead)
nDim = 3
nI, nJ, nK = 1, 1, 1
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10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions test/runtests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -69,19 +69,29 @@ end

file = "z=0_fluid_region0_0_t00001640_n00010142.out"
bd = load(joinpath(datapath, file))
x, y = Batsrus.meshgrid(bd)
@test length(x) == 601 && y[2] == 0.0f0
x, y = Batsrus.meshgrid(bd, Float32[-100, 100, -Inf, Inf])
@test length(x) == 4
@test bd["Emag"][2,1] == 2655.4805f0
@test bd["E2"][2,1] == 7.051577f6
@test bd["E"][:,2,1] == Float32[-241.05942, -2644.2058, -40.53219]
@test bd["Ue2"][2,1] == 33784.973f0
@test bd["Ui2"][2,1] == bd["Ui2"][2,1]
@test bd["Anisotropy0"][1:2,1] Float32[1.2630985, 2.4700143]
@test bd["Anisotropy1"][1:2,1] Float32[1.2906302, 2.6070855]
w = get_convection_E(bd)
@test w[2][2,1] -2454.3933f0
w = get_hall_E(bd)
@test w[2][2,1] -782.2945f0

@testset "Reading 2D unstructured ascii" begin
file = "bx0_mhd_6_t00000100_n00000352.out"
bd = load(joinpath(datapath, file))
plotrange = [-Inf, Inf, -Inf, Inf]
x, y = Batsrus.meshgrid(bd)
@test length(x) == 117 && length(y) == 246
x, y, w = interp2d(bd, "rho", plotrange, useMatplotlib=false)
@test w[1,2] == 5.000018304080387
@test bd["Umag"][2] == 71.85452748407637
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