Releases: henrique-coder/streamsnapper
🎉 StreamSnapper 0.3.0 - Hotfix
📦 Summary
StreamSnapper is an intuitive library designed to simplify, improve, and organize YouTube and Youtube Music media streams. It offers scraping functions with higher speed extraction and efficiency with the latest tools to perform such processes.
❇️ Available for automatic installation at PyPI and manual installation at GitHub.
📋 Changelog:
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🎉 StreamSnapper 0.2.9
📦 Summary
StreamSnapper is an intuitive library designed to simplify, improve, and organize YouTube and Youtube Music media streams. It offers scraping functions with higher speed extraction and efficiency with the latest tools to perform such processes.
❇️ Available for automatic installation at PyPI and manual installation at GitHub.
📋 Changelog:
- Format file
- Remove dev and add format groups, and update ruff version
- Rename formatter file name
- Added more detail to pyproject.toml
- Renamed main scraper file name
- Updated pyproject and project libs
- Updated poetry and lock file contents
- Structured project files and updated some things
- Updated docs
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🎉 StreamSnapper 0.2.8 - Breaking changes
📦 Summary
StreamSnapper is an intuitive library designed to simplify, improve, and organize YouTube and Youtube Music media streams. It offers scraping functions with higher speed extraction and efficiency with the latest tools to perform such processes.
❇️ Available for automatic installation at PyPI and manual installation at GitHub.
📋 Changelog:
- Changed information class attribute names to "someText" instead of "some_text"
- Simplified docs for a better clean preview
- Moved from dict to class (only information part at the moment)
- Changed some typos and info var name
- Changed project description, dependencies structure and many more
- Enchanced release workflow
- Removed unecessary fields
- Fixed typo errors and chanced ruff code style
- Fixed wrong timezone when sending build files to release
- Moved badges into top part of the docs
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🎉 StreamSnapper 0.2.7 - Summary
📦 Installation Options
StreamSnapper is available on GitHub and PyPI.
Available Extras:
- 🎬 YouTube Tools:
- 🔄 Merger:
- ✨ All Features:
Important: Install using
pip install -U streamsnapper[EXTRA]
. Installing without extras won't provide any tools (recommended option:pip install -U streamsnapper[all]
📋 Changelog:
- Fixed some mistakes and updated YouTube(...).download() function
- Updated poetry.lock contents
- Added new useful parameters and a new function
- Formated code with Ruff
- Updated yt-dlp lib version
- Removed dev libs
- Enchanced auto-publisher workflow
- Removed CI automated tests
- Removed specific version from turbodl lib
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🎉 StreamSnapper 0.2.6 - Summary
📦 Installation Options
StreamSnapper is available on GitHub and PyPI.
⚠️ The extra module downloader
has been removed from the current library and has been moved and will be updated in this repository.
Available Extras:
- 🎬 YouTube Tools:
- 🔄 Merger:
- ✨ All Features:
Important: Install using
pip install -U streamsnapper[EXTRA]
. Installing without extras won't provide any tools. Choose the components you need!
📋 Changelog:
- Fixed 302 errors while downloading any file
- Moved ruff settings to ruff.toml file
- Updated ruff settings
- Added cache and auto-retry on error, online requests are fully optimized
- Added all Downloader options to built-in YouTube downloader and fixed…
- [CI] Changed the name of the headers parameter to custom_headers and …
- Fixed tests file, caused by a wrong parameter
- [CI] Removed jpeg url from download tests and added new Downloader op…
- Moved Downloader to turbodl PyPI project
- Bump version to 0.2.6
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🎉 StreamSnapper 0.2.5 - Summary
📦 Installation Options
StreamSnapper is available on GitHub and PyPI.
Available Extras:
- 🎬 YouTube Tools:
- 📥 Downloader:
- 🔄 Merger:
- ✨ All Features:
Important: Install using
pip install -U streamsnapper[EXTRA]
. Installing without extras won't provide any tools. Choose the components you need!
📋 Changelog:
- Updated gitignore
- Added some paths for the action run
- Updated actions/setup-python to v5
- Added orjson to the dev requirements
- Added example ytdlp data for tests/debug
- Updated poetry.lock contents
- Fixed wrong variable name
- Added all unit tests
- Refactored tests from unittest to pytest and removed rich module
- Updated poetry.lock contents
- Removed license badge
- Updated yt-dlp version
- Removed windows-latest from lib tests
- [debug] Bump version to 1.2.3
- [debug] Bump version to 1.2.3-debug
- Returned auto PyPI publisher
- Removed debug prefix for tests
- Formatted workflows files and added auto release creator workflow
- Optimized workflow files
- Fixed lib install with poetry
- Try to fix poetry installation
- Try to fix poetry installation
- Enchanced CI workflow
- Enchanced workflows
- Removed unsed lib from requirements
- Updated poetry.lock file
- Changed the use of requests to httpx
- Downloader now uses your connection speed to further improve download…
- Added base and suffix system languages
- Added auto CI commit filter
- Bump version to 0.2.5
- Removed Windows OS from tests
- Try to fix PyPI auto package publisher
- Bump version to 0.2.5
- Reverted to version 0.2.4
- [CI] Merged pypi.yaml into release.yaml
- Bump version to 0.2.5
📊 Compare Changes
StreamSnapper 0.2.4 - Release notes
To use this library (available on GitHub and PyPI), there are a few options. You can only use the tools from the YouTube (streamsnapper[youtube]
) media service, and you can also use the Downloader (streamsnapper[downloader]
) and Merger (streamsnapper[merger]
). Or install the version with everything built in using streamsnapper[all]
Note: when installing the library use pip install -U streamsnapper[EXTRA]
, as installing the library without extra dependencies will not provide any tools. All are optional so that you can efficiently choose what you want to use.
- Updated gitignore contents
- Sorted imports
- Changed YouTube (.analyze_info()) default argument values
- Sorted imports
- Enchanced URL info extractor and added custom headers argument
- Added RequestError exception
- Sorted imports and variables
- Sorted imports
- Sorted imports, added docstring to all functions and enchanced some c…
- Changed max_connections docs
- Removed CLI TODO feature
- Added docstring to functions and added None option to max_lenght param
- Added new exception and sorted imports and exceptions
- Updated requirement version and formatted pyproject file
- Added docstring to all functions and changed param names
- Enchanced docstrings
- Formatted publish_to_pypi.yaml file
- Fixed typo error
- Added docstrings, fixed some errors and enchanced overall code
- Fixed typo errors
- Updated old documentation and fixed some isses
- Added full YouTube documentation
- Added CI workflow (lib tests)
- Updated CI file
- Added "tests" path to ruff formatter
- Fixed typo error (exception name)
- Fixed typo error (added missing exception)
- Added missing extras to install
- Added unittest file for ci.yaml workflow
- Added dev requirements for poetry
- Debugging CI behavior (test)
- Updated CI workflow
- Added poetry dependencies caching system
- Added poetry.lock for poetry cache (CI)
- Try to fix poetry cache (CI)
- Try to fix poetry cache (2)
- CI test with all required OS and python versions
- Try to fix poetry error on Windows systems
- Added support for 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12, 3.13 and 3.14 python versions
- Added support for 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12 and 3.13 python versions (Lin…
- Bump version to 0.2.4
All changes: v0.2.3...v0.2.4
StreamSnapper 0.2.3 - Release notes
To use this library (available on GitHub and PyPI), there are a few options. You can only use the tools from the YouTube (streamsnapper[youtube]
) media service, and you can also use the Downloader (streamsnapper[downloader]
) and Merger (streamsnapper[merger]
). Or install the version with everything built in using streamsnapper[all]
Note: when installing the library use pip install -U streamsnapper[EXTRA]
, as installing the library without extra dependencies will not provide any tools. All are optional so that you can efficiently choose what you want to use.
- Added github workflow
- Renamed PyPI auto-publisher workflow filename
- Testing new PyPI workflow
- Fix TODO text
- Optimized imports and contents
- Added missing space
- Fixed docstrings and added None option for timeout
- Sorted imports
- Sorted imports and fixed some code parts
- Sorted imports
- Fixed input data validation and added dislike count retriever option
- Bump version to 0.2.3
All changes: v0.2.2...v0.2.3
StreamSnapper 0.2.2 - Release notes
To use this library (available on GitHub and PyPI), there are a few options. You can only use the tools from the YouTube (streamsnapper[youtube]
) media service, and you can also use the Downloader (streamsnapper[downloader]
) and Merger (streamsnapper[merger]
). Or install the version with everything built in using streamsnapper[all]
Note: when installing the library use pip install -U streamsnapper[EXTRA]
, as installing the library without extra dependencies will not provide any tools. All are optional so that you can efficiently choose what you want to use.
- Added support for py38 up to py313
- Fixed minor docs errors
- Removed blank lines
- Added a README (finally!)
- Added required exceptions to each main class docs
- Fixed downloader docstring and README
- Refactored entire Downloader class
- Added support for youtube live urls and fixed url extractors
- Removed try-except on imports
- Enchanced entire Downloader class
- Added output_file_path attribute to Downloader class
- Fixed docs
- Bump version to 0.2.2
- Undo version to 0.2.1
- Changed lib support for py39 up to py313
- Bump version to 0.2.2
All changes: v0.2.1...v0.2.2
StreamSnapper 0.2.1 - Release notes
To use this library (available on GitHub and PyPI), there are a few options. You can only use the tools from the YouTube (streamsnapper[youtube]
) media service, and you can also use the Downloader (streamsnapper[downloader]
) and Merger (streamsnapper[merger]
). Or install the version with everything built in using streamsnapper[all]
Note: when installing the library use pip install -U streamsnapper[EXTRA]
, as installing the library without extra dependencies will not provide any tools. All are optional so that you can efficiently choose what you want to use.
- Added option to specify YouTube downloader threads
- Removed unused condition
- Formatted code and fixes some small errors
- Added specific versions to requirements and added ruff formatter
- Formatted code
- Sorted requirements by name (a-Z)
- Formatted code and added all variable to
- Added pre-commit file (for ruff formatter)
- Updated ruff settings
- Removed .debug path from ruff formatter
- Removed pre-commit file
- Enchanced get_value func
- Enchanced overall code and added dislike count key (with new option)
- Removed soundcloud-lib requirement
- Removed SoundCloud scraper (temporarily)
- Bump version to 0.2.1