This is a testbed for my balancing robot, using ROS2 and Bazel.
The hardware can be reduced to the following components:
- Raspberry PI 4 Model B (aarch64, Raspberry PI OS Bullseye 64bit)
- Raspberry PI Camera V2
- Arduino Due ARM Cortex M3
- 2x NEMA17 Stepper motors
- Head Tilt Servo (Camera mounted on shaft)
- Front IR distance sensor (Sharp GP2Y0A21YK)
- 2x Side IR proximity sensor (Sharp GP2Y0D815Z0F)
Raspberry PI is running ROS2 and Arduino Due is running FreeRTOS and micro-ros. They communicate over Serial using Micro-XRCE-DDS.
The buildsystem is Bazel and is used to remotely build and run software on the target platform.
This repository requires Docker and Python 3 to function.
sudo apt install docker-ce python3 python3-pip
Bazel is run via a dazel container.
Ensure arduino is installed on the raspberry pi:
sudo apt install arduino
./ --help