Check out the project spec here.
The second project for my Spring 2018 CS class, Data Structures and Algorithms. It contains classes and headers for a binary search tree and a heap.
- integer.h/integer.c
- sll.c/sll.h
- dll.c/dll.h
- stack.c/stack.h
- queue.c/queue.h
- bst.h/bst.c
- heap.h/heap.c
- heapsort
These classes work with any generic data type. The INTEGER/REAL/STRING classes are used to test integer, real, and string values. Files such as bst-0-0.c are test files.
To build all: make
To build individually:
- make test-sll
- make test-dll
- make test-stack
- make test-queue
To test:
- make
- make test
To clean: make clean