Tool developed to migrate MASP events produced by a Namada node
on version v1.1.4
to the event format produced by a node on the next release. Events should be
migrated by node operators who intend to expose their RPC servers to
MASP indexers.
Simply run make
. You will need recent Go and Rust toolchains
available in your PATH
. The resulting binary is migrate-masp-events
Also, make sure you export CGO_ENABLED=1
to your environment.
First and foremost, make sure you are not running the migrations from a pruned CometBFT node (such as a state synced node). This is important, as the migrations require access to historical tx data.
- Stop the Namada full node on
- Create a backup of the CometBFT
directory- In practice, only the
needs to be backed up, but there is no harm in creating a backup of the entire directory structure
- In practice, only the
- Locate a MASP indexer webserver that is still running
- Run the events migration software
$ migrate-masp-events migrate -cometbft-homedir path/to/cometbft/home -masp-indexer https://masp.indexer/api/v1
- Switch to the new Namada full node binaries, and restart the node
If you happen to mess up and run the old full node binaries after migrating,
you can pass the -continue-migrating
flag to migrate-masp-events migrate
in order to fix the events, with a new run of the migrations software.