- Course Code: CS211P
- Course Name: Data Structures and Algorithms
- Core/Elective: Core
- Credits:
- Theory: 2
- Project: 0
- Lab: 3
- TOT: 3
This course intorduces
- the fundamental concepts of data structures
- and the algorithms that proceed from them
- the file system fundamentals
- and developing skills in the design and implementation of complex software systems
- Secondary Storage Devices
- Stacks
- Queues
- Lists
- Double Ended Queues
- Sequences
- Ranked Sequences
- Positional Sequences
- General Sequences
- Trees
- Binary Trees
- Data Structures for Representing Trees
- Priority Queues
- Priority Queue as a Sequence
- Heaps
- Dictionaries
- Binary Search Trees
- AVL Trees
- Hash Tables
- Sets, Sorting, Selection
- Sets
- Merge Sort
- Quick Sort
- Radix Sort
- Complexity of Sorting
- Selection
- Graphs
- Data Structures for Graphs
- Graph Traversal
- Directed Graphs
- Strings
- Brute-Force String Pattern Matching
- Regular Expression Pattern Matching
- Tries
- Record Storage and File Organizations
- Ordered and Unordered Efiles
- Hashing and extendible hashing
- Index structures for files
- B-Trees
- B+-Trees
- Telegram Channel: https://t.me/DSA1920
- Github: https://www.github.com/helghareeb/DSA20
- Google Classroom: https://classroom.google.com
- Invite students or give them the class code: qdw6cy0
- Contact: h.elghareeb@yahoo.com
- Demo: Join Google Classroom https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hmfs-binhM
- Demo: Anaconda Python Installation (Windows) https://youtu.be/ejBttg7GWsw
- 10 Marks: Mid-Term
- 10 Marks: Labs
- 20 Marks: Online Quizzes
- 60 Marks: Final
- Total: 100 Marks
- Dr.Aya Samy
- Dr.Ahmed Reda
- Dr.Amal Magdi
- Dr.Mohamed El-Dawansy
- Dr.Mohamed Abdel Salam
- No Bonus
- No Project
- No Exam / (Online) Quiz Retake
- Do not Make trouble with TAs
- To download a single folder from Github, we can use https://minhaskamal.github.io/DownGit/#/home