A Nagios / Icinga check plugin for The Foreman
A simple plugin written in ruby, since I could not find one. Checks are done using Foreman REST API v2.
- Foreman Dashboard, finds number of bad_hosts
- Generic Host search query, eg. out of sync etc.
- Search host facts
You can use the same search queries as used in foreman UI. For long and complicated queries Base64 encoding is supported.
./check_foreman.rb --endpoint=https://foreman.example.com/api/v2 --user=icinga --password=Secret
- Prerequisite 1: Ruby >= 1.8 and rubygem-bundler need to be installed on the machine running the checks
- Prerequisite 2: Since checks are done using HTTPS, the RootCA for your foreman instance needs to be trusted
- Clone this repository to the machine doing the service checks. Usually this will be a nagios collector or icinga master
- Change into the directory and run
bunlde install
. - Check the command by running
./check_foreman.rb -h
and the above example. Replace endpoint, user and password with valid values.
Command line usage is basically like any other nagios plugin.
The main argument is --command
, defining witch check is run (dashboard
is the default).
: Check foreman dashboardsearch
: search hosts for search query supplied by--argument
: search fact values for search query supplied by--argument
- Test search queries in foreman and use the same query
- If queries are complicated and hard to escape supply base64 encoded arguments,
. Use--convert64
for convenience
-u, --user Foreman API user
-p, --password Foreman API password
-H, --endpoint Foreman API endpoint URL
-v, --[no-]verbose Enable verbose output for debugging
-a, --argument Check command argument
-B, --[no-]base64 Assume base64 encoded argument
-C, --command dashboard Check command. One of "dashboard", "search", "fact". "search" will search hosts for argument, fact will search "facts"
-w, --warning 1 Warning value
-c, --critical 5 Critical value
-P, --[no-]silent Suppress performance data output
-o, --[no-]encode64 Helper: Encode value from STDIN to base64
-h, --help Show this message
-V, --version Print version
I use Icinga2, hence there is only my example configuration. PR's for nagios/icinga1 welcome!
Note, I added vars.graphite_keys
. These only make sense if you use the
const CustomPlugins = "/path/to/plugin-dir"
const ForemanApi = "https://foreman.example.com/api/v2"
const ForemanApiUser = "icinga"
const ForemanApiPass = "secret"
object CheckCommand "foreman" {
import "plugin-check-command"
import "ipv4-or-ipv6"
command = [ CustomPlugins + "/check_foreman.rb" ]
timeout = 1m
arguments = {
"-w" = {
value = "$foreman_warning$"
description = "Warning value"
"-c" = {
value = "$foreman_critical$"
description = "Critical value"
"-H" = {
value = "$foreman_endpoint$"
description = "Foreman API endpoint URL"
"-C" = {
value = "$foreman_command$"
description = "Check command. One of 'dashboard', 'search', 'fact'"
"-a" = {
value = "$foreman_argument$"
description = "Check command argument"
"-u" = {
value = "$foreman_user$"
description = "Foreman API user"
"-p" = {
value = "$foreman_password$"
description = "Foreman API password"
"-B" = {
description = "Assume base64 encoded argument"
set_if = "$foreman_arg_base64$"
"-v" = {
description = "Verbose output"
set_if = "$foreman_verbose$"
vars.foreman_verbose = false
vars.foreman_arg_base64 = false
template Service "foreman_api" {
vars.foreman_user = ForemanApiUser
vars.foreman_password = ForemanApiPass
vars.foreman_endpoint = ForemanApi
host_name = "foreman.example.com"
check_command = "foreman"
object Service "Foreman Dashboard" {
import "generic-service"
import "foreman_api"
vars.foreman_warning = 1
vars.foreman_critical = 5
vars.foreman_command = "dashboard"
check_interval = 5m
vars.graphite_keys = ["{total_hosts,bad_hosts,ok_hosts}","{active_hosts,active_hosts_ok,out_of_sync_hosts}"]
Decoded: environment = production and hostgroup_fullname ~ my_hostgroup and (last_report < "1 hour ago" or (status.failed > 0 or status.failed_restarts > 0 or status.skipped > 0))"
Since this query is rather awkward to supply as argument, it is supplied base64 encoded
object Service "Foreman Puppet Manifests my_hostgroup" {
import "generic-service"
import "foreman_api"
vars.foreman_critical = 1
vars.foreman_command = "search"
vars.foreman_arg_base64 = true
vars.foreman_argument = "ZW52aXJvbm1lbnQgPSBwcm9kdWN0aW9uIGFuZCBob3N0Z3JvdXBfZnVsbG5hbWUgfiBteV9ob3N0Z3JvdXAgYW5kIChsYXN0X3JlcG9ydCA8ICIxIGhvdXIgYWdvIiBvciAoc3RhdHVzLmZhaWxlZCA+IDAgb3Igc3RhdHVzLmZhaWxlZF9yZXN0YXJ0cyA+IDAgb3Igc3RhdHVzLnNraXBwZWQgPiAwKSki"
check_interval = 5m
Note: This currently only works with number style fact values witch are converted to float.
object Service "Disk Facts" {
import "generic-service"
import "foreman_api"
vars.foreman_warning = 70 // warn < 30% free space
vars.foreman_critical = 90 // critical if < 10% free space
vars.foreman_command = "fact"
vars.foreman_argument = "name = rootfsusage and host.hostgroup = my_hostgroup"
check_interval = 30m // only update once per puppet run
vars.graphite_keys = ["{ok_count,warning_count,critical_count}"]