This plugin is based on motor-on-roller-blind-ws. Thanks for nidayand. I introduced small modifications in the configuration under the Motor Shield Board Node MCU with L293DD motor driver (double letter D). Original repositorry motor-on-roller-blind-ws work properly with L293D motor driver (single letter D). Translated into Polish for their own needs.
WebSocket based version of motor-on-roller-blind. I.e. there is no need of an MQTT server but MQTT is supported as well - you can control it with WebSockets and/or with MQTT messages.
- A tiny webserver is setup on the esp8266 that will serve one page to the client
- Upon powering on the first time WIFI credentials, a hostname and - optional - MQTT server details is to be configured. You can specify if you want clockwise (CW) rotation to close the blind and you can also specify MQTT authentication if required. Connect your computer to a new WIFI hotspot named BlindsConnectAP. Password = blinds if required.
- Connect to your normal WIFI with your client and go to the IP address of the device - or if you have an mDNS supported device (e.g. iOS, OSX or have Bonjour installed) you can go to http://{hostname}.local. If you don't know the IP-address of the device check your router for the leases (or check the serial console in the Arduino IDE or check the
MQTT message if you are using an MQTT server) - As the webpage is loaded it will connect through a websocket directly to the device to progress updates and to control the device. If any other client connects the updates will be in sync.
- Go to the Settings page to calibrate the motor with the start and end positions of the roller blind. Follow the instructions on the page
- When it connects to WIFI and MQTT it will send a "register" message to topic
with a payload containing chip-id and IP-address - A message to
will steer the blind according to the "payload actions" below - Updates from the device will be sent to topic
Simply do not enter any string in the MQTT server form field upon WIFI configuration of the device (step 3 above)
- (calibrate) Sets the current position as top position(max)
- (calibrate) Sets the current position as max position. Setstart
before you definemax
is a relative position tostart
- (manual mode) Will stop the curtain(-1)
- (manual mode) Will open the curtain. Requires(0)
to stop the motor(1)
- (manual mode) Will close the curtain. Requires(0)
to stop the motor0-100
- (auto mode) A number between 0-100 to set % of opened blind. Requires calibration before use. E.g.50
will open it to 50%
- Stepper_28BYJ_48:
- PubSubClient:
- ArduinoJson:
- WIFIManager:
- WbSocketsServer: