This captive portal provides multiple languages, a dashboard to view and change all settings, password validation, a function to send validatet credentials to a webhook(for example: discord webhook or and a deauthing function(only in the Dual ESP version). This project is a proof of concept for testing and educational purposes. Use it only against networks and devices that you have permission to! If you have any questions or suggestions just create an issue or DM me on Discord under the username: heinzguenter.
Currently Supportet languages: English and German.
Credits: Spacehuhn for inspiration on the Design of the dashboard, adamff-dev for the idea and inspiration for the design of the captive portal pages, sankethj for inspiration for parts of the code and justcallmekoko without theire projects this would probably not exist.
- To use the captive portal, wire the two ESPs together on a breadboard according to the schematics(The led and the button are optional)
- Clone or Download the repository and open the master and slave .ino files in the arduino ide
- Plug in your master ESP and upload the master script
- Then upload the slave script to your slave ESP8266(make sure you use spacehuhns custom boards package)
- Open the dashboard( and configure the SSID
- To use the serial output plug the master into your pc and use the serial monitor of the arduino ide