A CMS-style (Content Management System style) blog site, where developers can publish their blog posts and comment on other developers’ posts as well.
Here is the link https://heidi-tech-blog.herokuapp.com for the deployed application.
- When you visit the website, you will see on the homepage all the existing blog posts, each with a title and a snippet.
- You can see the full content and the comments of a particular blog post by clicking the blog post title on the homepage.
- However, you have to login before you can leave a comment to other blog posts.
- Go to the Login tab to login.
- If you haven't had an account yet, you can sign up one from the Login page. (click 'signup' at the bottom of the Loggin page.)
- Once you are logged in, you can go to the dashboard to ADD NEW POST or eidt your existing blog posts.
- when you click the title of a particular blog post on your dashboard, you will be presented with a "Edit Post" page where you have the options to UPDATE or DELETE your blog post.
- MVC architectural structure:
- Front End (View):
- JavaScript
- Bootstrap as CSS framework
- Back End (Controller):
- Node.js
- Express.js
- dotenv for environment variables
- bcrypt for password hashing
- Handlebars.js as templating engine
- express-session for authentication
- connect-session-Sequelize for session store
- Database (Model);
- Sequelize as the ORM
- Front End (View):
- Deployment
- Heroku
- JawsDB as cloud database
Homepage - all blog posts with a title and a snippet:
Single post - full content and comments:
Single post - after logged in, you have the option to leave a comment:
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.