Demo app for our fork of Addepar's ember-table
You can run [Path]
instead of manual installation
Parameter [Path]:
If you use it by local, path should equal your project parent path. Such as "~/GitHubProject/HedgeServ" (Note: ember-table and ember-table-addon-demo-app should in same folder)
If you use it by Jenkins, path should equal Jenkins project parent path. Such as "/Users/hedgebeijing/.jenkins/workspace"
You will need the following things properly installed on your computer.
- Git -
brew install git
- Node.js -
brew install nodejs
- Bower -
npm install -g bower
- Ember CLI -
npm install -g ember-cli
- PhantomJS -
npm install -g phantomjs
- ember-table - see below
- Python (2.7) -
brew install python
- Mountebank(^1.3.1) -
npm install -g mountebank --production
Your will need to make our fork of ember-table locally available. Clone that project too, to an adjacent directory.
Change into the ember-table directory, and link it:
cd ../ember-table && npm link
Ensure you're cd'd to the cloned ember-table-addon-demo-app working-copy directory
npm link ember-table
npm install
(installing server-side modules locally)bower install
(installing client-side modules locally)
ember serve
- Visit http://localhost:4200 for a list of links to demonstrations of all of the features added on top of out-of-the-box ember-table
ember test
(runs tests with phantomjs and just reports a pass/fail)ember test --server
(runs tests with chrome and just reports a pass/fail)
You will need to install required Python package and download chrome driver
- download chrome driver for mac
- put chromedriver on system path
ember serve -e ci
pip install -r python-webdriver-tests/requirements.txt
lettuce python-webdriver-tests/features --tag complete --with-xunit
- if you want to generate report as .xml file, please use
lettuce python-webdriver-tests/features --tag complete --with-xunit
ember build
(development)ember build --environment production
npm uninstall -g ember-cli
npm cache clean
bower cache clean
npm install -g ember-cli@1.13.8
rm -rf node_modules bower_components dist tmp
npm install
bower install
re-link ember-table
npm link ember-table
please refer to: ember-cli-upgrading
- TBD: update .travis.yml to install ember-table-addon as npm link first
- TBD: verify compatibility with Jenkins
- TBD: integrate python webdriver tests
ember build --environment production