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Releases: hebcal/hebcal-es6

v2.12.0: fxed browser-only bundle.js breaking change of hebcal__core name

27 Dec 15:43
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Fixed browser-only bundle.js breaking change of hebcal__core name by adding an alias

Tish'a B'Av (observed) on Av 10

21 Dec 18:11
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Tish'a B'Av (observed) on Av 10

Chanukah candle-lighting times at dusk

17 Dec 17:00
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If both options.candlelighting=true and options.location is specified, Chanukah candle-lighting times and minor fast start/end times will also be generated. Chanukah candle-lighting is at dusk (when the sun is 6.0° below the horizon in the evening) on weekdays, at regular candle-lighting time on Fridays, and at regular Havdalah time on Saturday night (see above).

Minor fasts begin at Alot HaShachar (sun is 16.1° below the horizon in the morning) and end when 3 medium-sized stars are observable in the night sky (sun is 7.083° below the horizon in the evening).


11 Dec 00:16
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Don't generate Candle-lighting events for Chanukah when options.noHol…

Start and end times for fasts

24 Nov 05:39
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v2.7.0 brings new start and end times for fasts

  • Start time = Alot haShachar (16.1 degrees below horizon in morning)
  • End time = Tzeit 3 medium-sized stars (7.083 degrees below horizon in evening)


21 Sep 16:39
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Bump depedencies before release

Fix translation for Rosh Hashana

14 Sep 21:51
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The event for Rosh Hashana is now translated correctly into the active locale.

Thanks to @ilayDev for finding this bug #10

  const RH = new HDate(1, months.TISHREI, 5749);
  const options = {start: RH, end: RH};
  const ev = HebrewCalendar.calendar(options)[0];'en'), 'Rosh Hashana 5749');'he'), 'רֹאשׁ הַשָּׁנָה 5749');

Holiday and Parsha URL format change

06 Sep 21:34
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Links generated by HolidayEvent.url() and ParshaEvent.url() now include a date.

For example:

Chanukah candle-lighting times & performance improvements

03 Sep 23:34
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This release changes the behavior of Chanukah candle-lighting times. In versions 2.3.0 and earlier, each day of Chanukah would be represented as 2 Events: one HolidayEvent such as Chanukah: 3 Candles and a separate CandleLightingEvent with the corresponding time. In version 2.4.0 and later, Chanukah events are now emitted as a single HolidayEvent with extra attributes eventTime and eventTimeStr.

In addition, this release improves performance of HDate to Date conversion by caching the absolute Julian Days, and a minor memory improvement to the Event class by removing the Event.getAttrs() function and assigning optional attributes directly to the underlying object.

Improved candle-lighting times

16 Aug 19:31
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We've switched candle-lighting times to use an NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) algorithm. Candle lighting times are now a minute or two earlier and now agree with the Hebcal for C version (and with most popular sunset calculators).

This release also changes the default formatting of candle-lighting times to use 12-hour clock (e.g. 7:34pm instead of 19:34) for locations in the following countries: US, CA, BR, AU, NZ, DO, PR, GR, IN, KR, NP, ZA