A web portal where publishers can manage a list of medical journals and public users can subscribe to journals of their interest.
The project uses the following frameworks:
- [AngularJS] (https://angularjs.org/) - AngularJS is a structural framework for dynamic web apps.
- [Bootstrap] (http://getbootstrap.com/) - Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
- [Font awesome] (http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/) - The iconic font and CSS toolkit.
The project uses the following frameworks:
- [Dropwizard] (http://www.dropwizard.io/) - Dropwizard is a Java framework for developing ops-friendly, high-performance, RESTful web services.
- [Hibernate ORM] (http://hibernate.org/) - Hibernate ORM is an object-relational mapping framework.
- [Liquibase] (http://www.liquibase.org/) - Liquibase is an open source database-independent library for tracking, managing and applying database schema changes.
- [Maven] (https://maven.apache.org/) - Apache Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool.
- [PostgreSQL] (http://www.postgresql.org/) - PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database system.
- The configuration file is the "conf/server.yml".
$ mkdir /tmp/medicaljournals-bucket/
$ chmod 775 /tmp/medicaljournals-bucket/
The database is PostgreSQL. Once you're in PSQL, just run the following command to create the Database:
CREATE DATABASE medicaljournals;
You will need to define the user and password:
CREATE USER medicaljournals PASSWORD '123456';
Compile the Medical Journals Application:
$ mvn package
Create the database schema:
$ java -jar target/crossover-medical-journals-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar db migrate conf/server.yml
Start the server:
$ java -jar target/crossover-medical-journals-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar server conf/server.yml
To see the application, go to your web browser and access:
Some features were not completely implemented.
Sign In Backend: 100% Frontend: 0%
Sign Up Backend: 100% Frontend: 0%
Upload Backend: 90% Frontend: 50%
Subscription Backend: 0% Frontend: 50%
- POST http://localhost:8080/api/users/authenticate
- Accept: application/json
- Content-Type: application/json
"email": "publisher@crossover.com",
"password": "123"
- 200 OK
"id": 1,
"name": "Publisher",
"email": "publisher@crossover.com",
"password": "$2a$10$iwO9vH6m4h6I.9pnuaUo4u19mUKXuG6mm3oKE9iT525fQ/Vf5jA7K",
"role": "PUBLISHER",
"token": "94ad34b1de8bd56172a7bde237bf4470db305cdd"
- POST http://localhost:8080/api/users/authenticate
- Accept: application/json
- Content-Type: application/json
"email": "subscriber@crossover.com",
"password": "123"
- 200 OK
"id": 2,
"name": "Subscriber",
"email": "subscriber@crossover.com",
"password": "$2a$10$fVwdoMyHsXqIQT7OYeXzKuc4b7JONpfnAJBstV/pIRQ08eP.J1d8i",
"role": "PUBLISHER",
"token": "689251e80cdd91301b069923a314631bef431063"
- GET http://localhost:8080/api/users
- Accept: application/json
- Content-Type: application/json
- 401 Unauthorized
"code": "401",
"message": "Unauthorized"
- GET http://localhost:8080/api/users
- Accept: application/json
- Content-Type: application/json
- Authorization: 689251e80cdd91301b069923a314631bef431063
- 403 Forbidden
"code": "403",
"message": "Forbidden"
- GET http://localhost:8080/api/users
- Accept: application/json
- Content-Type: application/json
- Authorization: 94ad34b1de8bd56172a7bde237bf4470db305cdd
- 200 OK
"id": 2,
"name": "Subscriber",
"email": "subscriber@crossover.com",
"password": "$2a$10$fVwdoMyHsXqIQT7OYeXzKuc4b7JONpfnAJBstV/pIRQ08eP.J1d8i",
"role": "SUBSCRIBER",
"token": "689251e80cdd91301b069923a314631bef431063"
"id": 1,
"name": "Publisher",
"email": "publisher@crossover.com",
"password": "$2a$10$iwO9vH6m4h6I.9pnuaUo4u19mUKXuG6mm3oKE9iT525fQ/Vf5jA7K",
"role": "PUBLISHER",
"token": "94ad34b1de8bd56172a7bde237bf4470db305cdd"