After run project, open the browser on http://localhost:3000/
To show two docker containers inside docker desktop or terminal, one for backend, and one for frontend (docker desktop must be started before), inside root folder of repository where
placed, using terminal execute command:
to show containers in terminal:docker ps -a
cd backend
go run .
cd frontend
npm i
npm run serve
branch, which is default, it can be used later as final destination - use your own branches , and merge them into
branch, using pull requests - start branches from "wip/" prefix, f.e.:
or from the "futures/" prefix, f.e.:futures/my-new-success
- before start work session always refresh you local branch from remote, to not forget something or do not recreate the same twice
- after work session completed, even if the code not very polished, you should commit your changes into your branch to do not loose the local progress on the other computer(when you will open repo from other workplace), even if code is not very polished at the moment. It is your branch and you can use it as you want