#About Paymentwall Paymentwall is the leading digital payments platform for globally monetizing digital goods and services. Paymentwall assists game publishers, dating sites, rewards sites, SaaS companies and many other verticals to monetize their digital content and services. Merchants can plugin Paymentwall's API to accept payments from over 100 different methods including credit cards, debit cards, bank transfers, SMS/Mobile payments, prepaid cards, eWallets, landline payments and others.
To sign up for a Paymentwall Merchant Account, click here.
#Paymentwall Node.js Library This library allows developers to use Paymentwall APIs (Virtual Currency, Digital Goods featuring recurring billing, and Virtual Cart).
To use Paymentwall, all you need to do is to sign up for a Paymentwall Merchant Account so you can setup an Application designed for your site. To open your merchant account and set up an application, you can sign up here.
#Installation To install the library in your environment, simply run the following command:
npm install paymentwall
Then use a code sample below.
#Code Samples
##Digital Goods API
####Initializing Paymentwall
var Paymentwall = require('paymentwall');
####Widget Call
The widget is a payment page hosted by Paymentwall that embeds the entire payment flow: selecting the payment method, completing the billing details, and providing customer support via the Help section. You can redirect the users to this page or embed it via iframe. The sample code below renders an iframe with Paymentwall Widget.
var widget = new Paymentwall.Widget(
'user40012', // id of the end-user who's making the payment
'p1', // widget code, e.g. p1; can be picked in the Widgets section of your merchant account
[ // product details for Flexible Widget Call.
// Leave empty if product selection happens on Paymentwall's side
new Paymentwall.Product(
'product301', // id of the product in your system
9.99, // price
'USD', // currency code
'Gold Membership', // product name
Paymentwall.Product.TYPE_SUBSCRIPTION, // this is a time-based product
1, // duration is 1
Paymentwall.Product.PERIOD_TYPE_MONTH, // month
true // this is a recurring product
{'email': 'user@hostname.com'} // additional parameters. for full list check API docs
####Pingback Processing
The Pingback is a webhook notifying about a payment being made. Pingbacks are sent via HTTP/HTTPS to your servers. To process pingbacks use the following code:
var pingback = new Paymentwall.Pingback(queryData, ipAddress);
if (pingback.validate()) {
var productId = pingback.getProduct().getId();
if (pingback.isDeliverable()) {
// deliver the product
} else if (pingback.isCancelable()) {
// withdraw the product
console.log('OK'); // Paymentwall expects the string OK in response, otherwise the pingback will be resent
} else {
var Paymentwall = require('paymentwall');
var widget = new Paymentwall.Widget(
{'email': 'user@hostname.com'}
var pingback = new Paymentwall.Pingback(queryData, ipAddress);
if (pingback.validate()) {
var virtualCurrency = pingback.getVirtualCurrencyAmount();
if (pingback.isDeliverable()) {
// deliver the virtual currency
} else if (pingback.isCancelable()) {
// withdraw the virtual currency
console.log('OK'); // Paymentwall expects the string OK in response, otherwise the pingback will be resent
} else {
var Paymentwall = require('paymentwall');
var widget = new Paymentwall.Widget(
new Paymentwall.Product('product301', 3.33, 'EUR'), // first product in cart
new Paymentwall.Product('product607', 7.77, 'EUR') // second product in cart
{'email': 'user@hostname.com'}
var pingback = new Paymentwall.Pingback(queryData, ipAddress);
if (pingback.validate()) {
var productId = pingback.getProduct().getId();
if (pingback.isDeliverable()) {
// deliver the product
} else if (pingback.isCancelable()) {
// withdraw the product
console.log('OK'); // Paymentwall expects the string OK in response, otherwise the pingback will be resent
} else {
##Brick API
####Initializing Paymentwall
var Paymentwall = require('paymentwall');
####Create a one-time token
var onetimetoken = new Paymentwall.Onetimetoken(
4000000000000002,// Card number, digits only
01,// Expiration month, 2 digits from 01 to 12
2017,// Expiration year, 4 digits
222// CVC/CVV, 3-4 digits
// get the parameter in response
var charge = new Paymentwall.Charge(
0.5, //price
'USD', //currency code
'description', //description of the product
'useremail@example.com', // user's email which can be gotten by req.body.email
'fingerprint', // fingerprint which can be gotten by req.body.brick_fingerprint
// if generated via backend please use this Charge in the callback function of createOnetimetoken
// if generated via brick.js
req.body.brick_token, //one-time token
{'custom[User_prfile_API]':'Value'} //custom parameters
console.log('response of Charge ='+Charge_response);
####Charge Details
//get the charge details through chargeid
var charge = new Paymentwall.Charge();
//capture a charge through chargeid
var charge = new Paymentwall.Charge();
//void a charge through chargeid
var charge = new Paymentwall.Charge();
//refund a charge through chargeid
var charge = new Paymentwall.Charge();
//create a subscription
var subscription = new Paymentwall.Subscription(
0.5, //price
'USD', //currency code
'description', //description of the product
'useremail@example.com', // user's email which can be gotten by req.body.email
'fingerprint', // fingerprint which can be gotten by req.body.brick_fingerprint
// if generated via backend please use this Charge in the callback function of createOnetimetoken
// if generated via brick.js
req.body.brick_token, //one-time token
'day', // day/week/month/year
3, // duration
}// parameters for trial period
{'custom[User_prfile_API]':'Value'} //custom parameters, if there is a trail, plan is required
//get the subscription details through subscriptionid
var subscription = new Paymentwall.Subscription();
//cancel a subscription through subscriptionid
var subscription = new Paymentwall.Subscription();
####Pingback Processing
The Pingback is a webhook notifying about a payment being made. Pingbacks are sent via HTTP/HTTPS to your servers. To process pingbacks use the following code:
var pingback = new Paymentwall.Pingback(queryData, ipAddress, true);
if (pingback.validate()) {
var productId = pingback.getProduct().getId();
if (pingback.isDeliverable()) {
// deliver the product
} else if (pingback.isCancelable()) {
// withdraw the product
console.log('OK'); // Paymentwall expects the string OK in response, otherwise the pingback will be resent
} else {