The "Universal System App Installer" is a module developed for Magisk with the purpose of enabling the installation of apps as system apps on Android devices.
Download the module template by clicking on "Releases" and download the latest available version in the release.
Extract the obtained files using a program of your choice.
Move the APK files you want to turn into system apps to the /system/app/ folder.
Navigate to the main module folder and compress all the files into a single ZIP file.
Proceed to install the module in Magisk: access the "Modules" tab (represented by the puzzle piece icon), click "Install from storage." Locate the ZIP file of the module you created and confirm the installation. Finish by clicking "Restart."
The installation time may vary depending on the speed of your device and the number of selected APKs.
Ensure that the ZIP file size does not exceed 230 MB.
This module requires the use of Magisk 20.4 or a newer version.
If you liked my project, please consider making a donation.
- Pix:
- Bitcoin: 0x431376b69495c4C4E4ffea7BcD31799e74D50284
- Ethereum: bc1q838750nwwfw77ey2tj8yw0kz69j9fcz37gwp6f
- BNB: bnb198u9kkctjx749dt7nrrmnrk59z73c79cmk4y56
This project was inspired by a video provided by the VegaData channel.
I also relied on the official Magisk developer's guide.
I would also like to express my thanks to the teachers at IFC campus São Bento do Sul, whose contributions were valuable in the creation of the README file for this project.