Hawaiian Shirt Wednesday Token (HSWT)
Deployed on Polygon PoS Mainnet. Polygonscan: https://polygonscan.com/address/0xC1E7f76ee6b6B0DFd6F6d9544Fd3393E7dC92267
If you wear a Hawaiian shirt on a Wednesday, then you are entitled to receive 1 HSWT!
Instructions to set up wallet to receive HSWT:
- Install MetaMask wallet.
- In MetaMask, select the 'Polygon Mainnet' network.
- Under 'Tokens', select 'Import tokens'.
- In the 'Import tokens' modal, select the 'Custom Token' tab and enter the HSWT contract address (0xC1E7f76ee6b6B0DFd6F6d9544Fd3393E7dC92267) and click 'Next', then click 'Import'.