Super simple Gherkin features to ExUnit tests translator.
Inspired by Cabbage, but with slightly different API and few ideas of my own to simplify working with the library.
The package can be installed by adding watermelon
to your list of dependencies
in mix.exs
def deps do
{:watermelon, "~> 0.1.0", only: [:test]}
The docs can be found at
Define file tests/feature/coffe.feature
Feature: Serve coffee
Coffee should not be served until paid for
Coffee should not be served until the button has been pressed
If there is no coffee left then money should be refunded
Scenario: Buy last coffee
Given there are 1 coffees left in the machine
And I have deposited £1
When I press the coffee button
Then I should be served a coffee
Scenario Outline: Coffee count
Given there are <start> coffees left in the machine
And I have deposited £<money>
When I press the coffee button <orders> times
Then I should have <left> coffees
| start | money | orders | left |
| 12 | 5 | 5 | 7 |
| 20 | 5 | 5 | 15 |
In your test module:
defmodule MyTest do
use ExUnit.Case
use Watermelon.Case
defgiven match(number) when "there are {int} coffee(s) left in the machine" do
{:ok, %{machine: Machine.put_coffee(, number)}}
defgiven match(number) when "I have deposited £{int}", context: %{machine: machine} do
{:ok, %{machine: Machine.deposit(machine, nil, number)}}
defwhen match when "I press the coffee button", context: %{machine: machine} do
assert {:ok, machine} = Machine.press_coffee(machine)
{:ok, machine: machine}
defwhen match(n) when "I press the coffee button {int} times", context: %{machine: machine} do
machine =
for _ <- 1..n, reduce: machine do
machine ->
assert {:ok, machine} = Machine.press_coffee(machine)
{:ok, machine: machine}
defthen match when "I should be served a coffee", context: state do
assert {:coffee, _} = Machine.take_drink(state.machine)
defthen match(num) when "I should have {int} coffee(s)", context: %{machine: machine} do
assert machine.coffees == num
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