Android Template is a sample implementation of Android Clean Architecture, in conjunction with the MVVM design pattern. It’s written in Kotlin, using coroutines and flows for asynchronous code.
The purpose of this template is to speed up the first stages of development of a new project, and establishing a common architecture for all Hattrick’s Android projects.
There are two versions of the template, using different frameworks for the Presentation layer: one with XML and Fragments (branch develop), and the other one with JetpackCompose (branch jetpack_compose_develop).
The application is divided in three layers, each one in a different module:
Data (Android Library)
- Data model
- Api service with Retrofit
- Room database
- Repository implementation
Domain (Kotlin Library)
- Business logic model
- Repository interface
- Custom error
- Resource success/failure wrapper
- Use case
App (Android App) / (Presentation Layer)
- Jetpack Compose
- Screens using compose functions
- State handling with ViewModel using stateflow
- Sample navigation
- Activity/Fragment
- Base Activity and base Fragment
- Sample Activity and sample fragments
- ViewModel with live data
- Navigation graph
- Basic XML designs
- Jetpack Compose
- Custom Timber Tree for logs
- Dependency injection with Koin
- Release and Pull-Request Workflows
- Run Unit Tests and Lint
- Firebase Support
- Semantic Release with Release Notes and Automatic Versioning
- Google Play Deployment
- Slack Notification
- Fork project’s desired branch (develop or jetpack_compose_develop).
- Refactor package com.hattrick.myapplication to desired package name.
- Update app/build.gradle -> defaultConfig -> applicationId
- Update strings.xml -> "app_name"
- Update settings.gradle -> rootProject.name
App signing and semantic release
- Place your_keystore.jks under keystores folder in project root folder and upload it
- Add following github secrets:
- PRODUCTION_STORE_FILE = keystores/your_keystore.jks
- Configure your repo to allow the action to create the release and tag (Settings->Actions->General->Workflow Permissions->Read and write permissions)
- Use Angular Commit Message Conventions (suggested tool: commitizen)
- Add following github secrets: FIREBASE_CONFIG
Slack Notification
- Generate webhook (https://slack.com/apps/A0F7XDUAZ-incoming-webhooks) and add to secret: SLACK_WEBHOOK
Google Play
- Generate service account json and add to secret: SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON