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573 Project on Humor

Eli, Avani, Pangbo, and Hilly's project for LING 573 at the University of Washington.

D4 Instructions

  1. Make sure you have Conda installed.
    • To install Conda, enter the following commands:
    • wget
    • sh Anaconda3-2021.11-Linux-x86
  2. Issue the following command from the root of this repo to fine-tune the models and print the results: condor_submit cmd/D4.cmd
    • The script will activate a Conda environment in the shared folder /projects/assigned/2122_ling573_elibales/env/
    • Note: D4.cmd only runs the adaptation portion. D4_all.cmd runs both the primary and adaptation task.

The accuracy and F1 scores of our ensemble classification model can be found under:

  • src/results/D4/primary/evaltest/D4_scores.out
  • src/results/D4/primary/devtest/D4_scores.out
  • src/results/D4/adaptation/devtest/D4_scores.out
  • src/results/D4/adaptation/devtest/D4_scores.out

D4 results

  • Primary:

    f1: {'f1': 0.9627391742195367}

    accuracy: {'accuracy': 0.9538077403245943}

  • Adaptation:

    f1: {'f1': 0.6054421768707482}

    accuracy: {'accuracy': 0.5303643724696356}

The top 3 scores for the Hahackathon shared task humor controversy subtask (our adaptation task) were:

  1. accuracy: 0.5089 | f1: 0.6299
  2. accuracy 0.4699 | f1: 0.6270
  3. accuracy: 0.4553 | f1: 0.6249


└─── src/ contains the source code and data used for this project.
└─── results/ contains the results of our system.
└─── doc/ contains documentation of our system.
│	│
│	└─── /archive contains unused files.
│	│
│	└─── /data contains the data used to train and evaluate the model.
│	│
│	└─── /configs contains JSON files used to configure the models.
│	│
│	└─── /exetuables contains bash scripts to run the models.
└─── outputs/ contains the system outputs.
│	│
│	└─── /Dx the results of each deliverable.
└─── cmd/ contains the HTCondor job submission files.
└─── bin/ a recycling bin for unused files.